“Morning.” An adorable bright pink hue flooded her cheeks.
“I was just telling Viking about a call I got from Sebastian earlier.” Cole spent a few minutes updating her about Barnum’s release. “I’d like to think he’s learned his lesson and will stay away from you, but I doubt he’s gotten any smarter while being locked up.”
“I’m betting he’s just gotten angrier.” She started to chew the inside of her cheek.
Viking placed a finger beneath her chin, lifted it, and gave her a soft kiss. The distraction worked, and she tilted her head sideways and rested it on his shoulder.
“I can have someone tail him—”
“That’s silly.” She stroked her hand up Viking’s arm and squeezed his biceps. “I’ve got the best possible protection right here.”
“That may be, but I agree with Cole.” Viking kissed the top of her head, thrilled to have her complete trust. “Having eyes on him, at least for a few days, is a good idea.”
“You guys are the experts.” She stroked her hand down his forearm. “If you think it’s a good idea, then who am I to disagree?”
“Done,” Cole said.
His boss would’ve put a tail on Barnum anyway, but this directly affected Marigold, and he knew the importance of giving her a voice in the decision-making process.
“Iamconcerned about Deborah, though,” she said. “I’m not worried she’ll hurt me; I’m worried about what Cliff will do to her if she challenges him.”
“I’m going to update Eddie when we’re done here. He’ll keep an eye on her.” Cole’s voice took on a determined tone. “Rest assured, Marigold, we’re going to do whatever it takes to ensure that asshole can never brutalize another woman the way he did you.”
Viking wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tucked her close.
“Oh, and just a heads-up—my beautiful bride knows what’s going on, so you should expect a call from her very soon.”
As if on cue, her phone chimed on the other nightstand.
“Let me guess,” Cole said.
Marigold twisted to pick up the phone, smiled, and showed the screen to him.
“Yep, it’s your bride.” Dulce was attempting a video call. “If you’re done, why don’t you go ahead and hang up. No sense having both of you on your phones.”
“We’re done, for now.” Cole ended his call.
Viking was anxious to see what Marigold would do. Would she try to hide the fact they were in bed together? She settled next him, made sure the sheet was in place, and rested her head against his shoulder before accepting the call.
“Morning, Jazzy.” She used the nickname her friend had been given as a child.
“Hi. I just wanted to make sure … Hang on a second.” Dulce held the phone close to her face and narrowed her eyes. “Is that a man’s shoulder you’re leaning on?”
Viking cocked his head to the side so she could see a portion of his face. “It is.”
“Well, well, well.” A devilish grin lit Dulce’s face. “I’m not gonna lie. This makes me very happy.”
“And it’s about damn time,” Cole’s voice boomed from the background.
“Yeah.” Marigold turned her face up to Viking’s and gave him the softest look. “I finally pulled my head out of my butt.”
“More like, I finally wore you down.” He chuckled.
“Whatever the reason, I’m happy for you guys.” Dulce’s love for her friend was obvious.
They thanked her in unison.
“Can you even believe they’re letting Dickweed out early? I mean, seriously. What the hell?” Disgust dripped from Dulce’s words. “Marigold, mark my words, if he comes near you, I—”