Page 42 of Dangerous Obsession

“My dad was perpetually ‘out of town on business.’” She used dramatic air quotes. “It wouldn’t have changed anything—he loves Cliff. Wait, scratch that. He loves the fact that Cliff’s family has money.”

The more she shared, the more impressed he was with her strength. Not only had she survived being raised by two incredibly selfish people, but she’d survived unspeakable abuse at the hands of her boyfriend.

“After that, it was almost as if my leaving scared Cliff straight or something. Probably because he never thought anyone would find out about his dirty little habit of beating on his girlfriend. Other than the occasional outbursts or name-calling, things settled down for a couple of years. Then I found out he’d been sleeping with a server at his favorite bar. I remember thinking, I’m putting up with all of his bullshit, and he’s cheating on me? Hell, no. So, I asked him about it, and he did not take that well. Said it was ‘none of my damn business.’ When I had the audacity to disagree with him, he knocked me around pretty good. But that was nothing like the last time—the night I left for good.”

“Marigold, I really need to hold you right now, but—”

She turned, wrapped her arms around his waist, and laid her cheek to his chest.

“That’s good, because Ireallyneed to be held right now.” She tightened her hold and sniffled.

His heart broke at the sound, and he immediately circled his arms around her.

“You said, ‘nothing like the last time.’” He set his chin atop her head and smoothed his hand up and down her back. “Can you tell me about that night?”

Safe in Viking’s arms, Marigold was able to recount that life-shattering few hours.

“He found out I met Dulce for a drink. He’d pretty much forbidden me from seeing her.” She looked up at Viking. “But, as I’m sure you know, my friend is very determined.”

“Yeah, Dulce’s pretty loyal to the people she cares about.” He cupped his big hand over the back of her head and held her tight. Not too tight—just right.

Marigold snuggled into his embrace, absorbing his warmth and gaining comfort from the way his deep voice vibrated against her.

“Cliff was drunk and angry because he’d just gotten fired from his job. He knew as soon as his dad found out he’d be in deep shit since Mr. Barnum is the one who convinced the company’s owner to take a chance on hiring him. He said some nasty things about Dulce, and I defended her. That lit the fuse.

“He shoved me into a dresser and broke my arm, punched me until I collapsed on the floor, then he kicked me in the stomach.” Her voice trembled. “I locked myself in the bathroom, and he stormed out of the apartment. Once I was sure he was gone, I managed to hobble my way to the closet where I’d hidden the burner phone Dulce had given me a few months earlier. She and her dad rushed right over and took me to the ER.” Her throat tightened. “They saved my life that night.”

“I’m so glad they did.” He lowered his head and placed his forehead to hers.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when the vulnerability of sleep ushered in unwelcome memories, she would startle awake. Breathless, heart racing, she could still feel his hands squeezed tight around her arms or his fist slamming against her face.

Every horrible name he called her, every mean, heartless insult he ever hurled at her left a scar no one could see. Yet she’d felt every word as clearly as if he’d struck her.

“I found out later, at the hospital, that—” Marigold hesitated, unsure if she could share what happened. She hadn’t toldanyone, not even her best friend. At the time, she’d felt numb and lost but mostly stupid and embarrassed for allowing herself to become so weak.

Viking’s fingertips gently massaged her scalp. He didn’t rush her, just stood there, strong, patient, and supportive.

“The doctor told me that I had been pregnant.” Her voice was no more than a whisper, as if saying the words out loud would bring back the crushing heartache she’d felt at the loss of a child she hadn’t even known she was carrying.

His fingertips paused as the wordshad beenhung in the air between them.

“I had a spontaneous miscarriage caused by him kicking me.” She leaned back and looked up at him. “You’re the only person I’ve ever shared that with. I’ve never even told Dulce.”

“Your secrets are safe with me, honey.” His hands framed her face, and his thumb brushed across her cheek, wiping away a tear. “And I’m so glad you shared that with me. I hope you know you can trust me, Marigold.”

“I do trust you,” she said without hesitation.

She reached up, wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and was pleased when he took the hint and lowered his face to hers. Then … Marigold kissed him.


Hersoftlipspressedagainst his, and everything within Viking settled into place. Like he’d finally found that piece of himself he hadn’t even known was missing. She was meant to be his. He knew that with every fiber of his being. He’d known it since he walked through the front door of the townhouse and saw her standing there, arms crossed, shooting daggers at him with her eyes. Defiant and ready to make his life hell if he so much as tried to stifle her independence.

A soft whimper drifted up from her throat as she raised to her tippy toes and threw her arms around his neck. He lifted until her feet left the ground and held her against him. Marigold wasn’t tall, but she wasn’t short, either, and her lush curves fit perfectly into his arms.

She threw her legs around his waist, crossed her ankles at his back, and ate at his mouth like a woman deprived of sustenance. He cupped her ass in his hands and pulled her close.

“Upstairs.” She uttered the singular word against his lips, then her tongue dove into his mouth and she ground her core against him with soft moan.