“You’ve talked so much abouther, my curiosity got the better of me. So I went to her boutique to see what she was like.”
“And?” She had no idea her kid had delivered the note to Marigold for him. He’d promised Greg a hundred bucks when he got out, as long as the kid kept his damn mouth shut.
“Honestly?” She was about to set her forearm down on the counter but glanced at the surface and, finding it questionable, opted not to. Instead, she placed her hand in her lap. “I was surprised. She was very sweet and nice, nothing like what I expected.”
“Yeah, she’s always been a great little actress.”Fuck!What had Deborah been thinking? “Did you mention my name?”
“Of course not.” Her brows tucked together, and she sounded almost indignant that he would think such a thing. “I didn’t want to risk causing you any trouble.”
Not going to see her at all would’ve have been the best way to prevent that.
“Did you tell her your name?”
“Just my first name. And I wore a mask and paid with cash.” Her eyes lit up like she was some sort of criminal mastermind.
“What reason did you give for being there?”
“Remember the awards banquet I told you about?”
“Of course.” How could he forget—she’d bored him with it more than once.
“I told her I needed an outfit. Which was true. And I ended up getting the most beautiful things and at such a great price, too.”
She was positively fucking giddy as she told him all about her time at the store, how kind and helpful Marigold and her staff had been. Then she went into way too much detail about the shit she’d bought.
It worried him that she’d had such a positive experience. The absolute last thing he wanted was for Deborah to become sympathetic to Marigold, start digging, and learn the truth about what happened. She’d blab to Marigold about him, then his bitch of an ex would rat him out to the judge. And that shriveled up old dick would love nothing better than to extend Cliff’s sentence.
“Oh, there was this very large, very intimidating man watching everyone and everything in the shop. I was a bit concerned at first, but he turned out to be very polite.” She fussed with the bottom of her sleeve. “He even helped carry my purchases to my car for me.”
“Was he an employee or something?” Cliff asked.
“She said he was a security guard. I guess she’s had a few shoplifters take things from the store, and considering the quality of her inventory, it’s no wonder.” She leaned in close. “But between you and me, from the way they were looking at each other, I think they’re more than just professional acquaintances.”
What the fuck?Marigold was his. She’d better not be fucking some other dude.
“What was the guy’s name?” He had to be very careful how he approached this topic. He didn’t want to sound too interested.
“Hmm. Let me think.” She looked up at the ceiling, then snapped her fingers. “I heard her call him Viking. And boy, does that name suit him.”
What the hell kind of name is that?
“What do you mean?”
“If you look for an image of a Viking on the internet, someone who looks like him will pop up.” She rose from her chair and held her hand way up high. “He was about this tall, and his shoulders were about this wide.” Her arms went straight out to her sides before she sat back down.
How the hell did Marigold meet someone like that?
Dulce. He knew instantly. That little bitch’s father had all kinds of connections.
“Look, baby.” He flattened his hand to the glass. “I’d feel better if you just stayed away from her and her store.”
“But why?” This time, she didn’t put her hand to the glass. “She has such beautiful clothing.”
“Why?”Good question. “Because … because what if you’re in the store when it’s robbed again? Plus, I have no idea how she’ll react if she finds out you’re my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend?” She smiled, her shoulders dropped, and she finally put her hand against the glass.
“Hell, yeah. You’re my girl.” He went in for the kill. “If you really care about me, you won’t go to that shop or see her again. I’d go crazy if something happened to you.”