She blinked a few times.
“When?” Her voice squeaked.
“Yes,when.” Viking put a hand on her shoulders, turned her away from him, and gave a gentle push. “Go make your call, and I’ll bring you a glass of wine.”
Marigold watched him over her shoulder, confused and, yes, somewhat curious about his promise of a future kiss. And he did seem to like taking care of her, beyond his duties as her bodyguard.
“Oh, and Marigold.” The determination in his voice stopped her in her tracks. “I think it’s time we talk about those photos and what happened with your ex.”
Her stomach tightened at the thought of recounting that terrible time. And the photos were horrifying and not something she liked showing people.
“After dinner, okay?” Marigold would take every minute she could get.
Viking needed to know everything in order to protect her effectively. He also had arightto know before he decided to deliver on that promise of a future kiss, or in case they ever gave in to the undeniable attraction between them.
“After dinner it is.” He turned, walked over to the sink, and started washing his hands.
Marigold’s tummy flip-flopped, and she hurried upstairs to her room. She changed into a pair of yoga pants and a comfy, oversize T-shirt, stepped into her slippers, and headed back to the living room. She smiled and her heart melted just a little at the sight of a glass of red wine waiting for her on the coffee table.
Her typical, knee-jerk response would be to delve beyond the kindness of the gesture for therealreason behind it, as well as the price she’d eventually have to pay. But this was Viking—one of the kindest, most respectful, self-confident humans she’d ever had the privilege of meeting. All qualities Cliff lacked. Unfortunately, that revelation had come to her much too late.
She dropped onto the sofa, crossed her legs on the cushion, and hinged forward to grab the wineglass. After a small taste, she swiped her finger across her phone screen and placed a video call to Dulce.
She picked up after one ring because that was the kind of friend she was.
“Hi!” Her friend’s smile fell, and she looked closer at the screen. “You look tired.”
“Thanks a lot.” Marigold tucked a curl over her ear and took another sip of wine.
“You’re still beautiful.” Dulce twisted, picked up Carter from his portable bassinette, and held him against her chest as she patted his back. “But I’ve known you practically forever and can tell you’re pushing yourself too hard.”
“It was a long day at the store.” Though it could’ve been much worse had Viking not been there to help out. “I did interview a woman for the job today, though, and I really liked her. So that’s a good thing.”
“Did you give her name to Viking so he can have Sammy run a check on her?” Dulce continued patting the baby’s back until he let loose with a massive burp.
“Wow, that was a good one.” Marigold hoped to force a subject change. “He’s so stinkin’ cute, and I can’t believe how big he’s getting.”
“I know, right?” She kissed his cheek and set him on her lap, facing the screen. “And don’t think complimenting my child is going to be enough to distract me.”
Worth a try.
“No, I haven’t given him her name yet. I’m still trying to decide if she’s right for the job. If she is,thenI’ll share the name.” She tilted sideways, listened to make sure Viking was moving around in the kitchen, and lowered her voice. “Viking wants me to tell him what happened with Cliff.”
“You already know my feelings on that subject.” Her friend continually reminded her that she had nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. That Cliff was the villain in this scenario. “You know you can trust Viking, right?”
“Idotrust him.” Hearing herself say those words and actually mean them was empowering. Maybe by telling him, she really could move on.
“I’m so glad.” Satisfied by her response, Dulce held Carter up to the screen. “Now look at how stinkin’ cute he looks in this onesie you got him.”
Printed across the front of the light blue fabric, it said,Mommy & Daddy’s Little Surprise. A homage to Dulce and Cole’s unplanned pregnancy.
They chatted about everything and nothing until Carter began to fuss.
“Here, let me take him.” Cole appeared behind the chair where Dulce sat, reached over and lifted Carter from her arms. “I’ll keep him busy until you’re ready.” He kissed the top of his wife’s head, held the baby’s little arm and waved with it. “Bye, Aunty Marigold.”
“Bye.” She waved and blew them a kiss before they walked away. “It’s so funny to see what a big softie Cole is with him.”
The guy was a total badass with a very dark past. He’d been places and seen things most people couldn’t imagine. Deadly dangerous one minute, he could kiss his wife while cradling his newborn son in his arms the next.