Page 18 of Dangerous Obsession

“Agreed, but it still leaves me one employee short.” She made a mental note to call a couple of her customers who had expressed an interest in working a few hours at the boutique.

“Why don’t we come see you?” Dulce chuckled. “And, yes, I’m inviting myself to stay at your house.”

“It’s only my house because you sold it to me at a ridiculously low price.” There’s no way she could’ve afforded a four-bedroom, three-story townhouse in the historic Georgetown area just outside of DC. The boutique was doing really well but notthatwell.

“Whatever.” She could imagine her friend rolling her eyes. “Seriously, though, I can pack Carter up and we can be there tomorrow.”

“Whoa, hang tight there, babe,” Cole interrupted. “I’m not crazy about you and Carter getting in the middle of this. No offense, Marigold.”

“Absolutely no offense taken, and I totally agree.” She would never survive if something happened to either of them.

“But I am going to send someone there to watch your back.” Cole used that tone that meant business.

Oh no. No, no, no.She knew what was coming next.

“That’s not—”

“My team is in between missions, so Viking is available, and you already know him.”

“He doesn’t—”

“I’ll have him pack a bag, and he’ll be there tonight.”

“I don’t nee—”

“Marigold, Cole’s right. I know how you feel about having someone in your space, but please, do this for me. Pretty please.” Dulce’s plea was more than she could resist.

“Fine.” She groaned and tried to ignore the tiny part deep inside of her that got weirdly excited about seeing Viking again. “But he has to stay out of my way.”

Wow, bitchy much?She hadn’t always been that way.

Once upon a time she was friendly to everyone, accepted people at face value, and never for a second suspected that the person she trusted with her heart would rip it from her chest and stomp on it.

Unfortunately, one bad apple seemed to have spoiled the whole barrel.

“Viking is already well aware of your requirements and will, of course, respect your boundaries,” Cole said. “But Marigold, don’t mistake his kindness and gentle nature for weakness. He is an extremely competent and dangerous guy and will do whatever is necessary to protect you.”

An involuntary shiver rippled through her. She was well aware of Viking’s true nature, having caught a glimpse of it the day Dulce was kidnapped from in front of the townhouse. Even then, in the middle of all that chaos, with a big gun in his hand, protecting his injured boss, he’d treated Marigold gently and with respect.

“I’m going to go make some calls,” Cole said. “I’ll fill you in as soon as I learn anything. Okay?”

“Yes, okay.” What would she do without these amazing people in her life? “Thanks, Cole. I really do appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. Now I’m going to go watch my son sleep. Here’s my wife.” There was a kissing sound before her friend spoke.

“Watching how he is with Carter makes me all gooey inside. I still can’t believe he didn’t think he deserved to be a daddy. Silly man.” Love and happiness were wrapped around every one of Dulce’s words. “Okay, I’m taking you off speaker.” There was a rustling sound, then she was back. “So, Viking, huh?”

“Not by choice.”

“Why don’t you just admit you like him?” Dulce kept her voice low.

“Do not.”Real mature, Marigold.

“Oh, please. The sparks between you two were unbelievable. There were a few times I thought you guys might burn the townhouse down.”

“I assure you—they were sparks of annoyance.” Not really, but she wasn’t giving an inch. “You know how I feel about that … whole thing.”

“Marigold, you have to stop thinking that all men are like Dickweed.” She hesitated. “I’m going to tell you something, and I’m not saying it to hurt you. But, in a way, that big jerk is still controlling you. He’s keeping you from moving on and letting yourself care about someone.”