Page 85 of Dangerous Obsession

Beck nodded. “He’s in trouble and needs our help.”

“What kind of trouble?” Cole crossed his arms.

“The kind of trouble that could get him killed.” Beck rubbed the back of his neck. “Thing is, he’s got a personal vendetta against the Trianos for reasons I’m not at liberty to go into at this time. But I assure you, his hatred is more than justified.”

“How do you know Lucas?” Viking had wondered about the man since meeting him on the tarmac.

Beck’s dark blue gaze traveled around the group. “He’s our cousin, and this is personal.”

Marigold watched Viking and the group gathered away from the festivities. Beck was doing most of the talking, and from the looks on their faces, it must be serious. She was a naturally curious person, but she understood his business often involved very sensitive matters and would never press him for details.

“They certainly are an impressive bunch, aren’t they?” Dulce swayed side to side with a sleeping Carter in her arms.

“They most definitely are.” Every single one of them had made a commitment to help people in need, even at great personal risk to themselves. “You’d be hard-pressed to find a finer group of humans.”

“Amen, sister.” Dulce gently removed the Binky from Carter’s mouth, and his little lips continued to suckle in anticipation of its return. “We’re trying to break him of this thing.”

“Sweetie.” Hanna tapped her on the shoulder. “Why don’t you let me take him and give you a break?”

“That would be awesome, Mom.” Dulce transferred the baby to her mother’s arms. “He’s getting so darn big.”

“Gee, I wonder why?” Hanna held Carter against her chest, his head on her shoulder, and rubbed his back. “It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact his daddy is a giant, could it?”

“Ha ha.” Dulce shook out her arms.

“Look at it this way—think how buff your arms are going to get,” Marigold teased.

“Good point.” Hanna glanced at Molly, who waved her over and patted the empty chair next to her. “I’m going to go chat with Molly.” She blew them air kisses and moved over to sit next to the O’Halleran matriarch, who was holding her own grandson.

Molly O’Halleran was one of the most warm and welcoming people Marigold had ever met. She made everyone feel special and like they were one of her own kids.

Her husband, Michaleen, was talking to Sebastian, and they were laughing about something. He was a bear of a man with the soul of an artist and a gift for woodworking. As kind and gentle as he might be, if someone messed with his family, it would not end well for them.

“Your mom sure loves being a grandma.” Marigold had always been a bit envious of her friend’s relationship with her parents.

“Yeah, and Dad is such a big pushover around him.” She clasped her hands together and held them to her chest. “Okay, about this wedding.”

Marigold and Dulce spent the next few minutes talking details. Viking wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams, and she wanted something small and informal. It was important to her to come up with a unique way to celebrate their special day.

“I have a great idea. How about you get married at my parents’ house?” Dulce’s eyes lit up as she warmed up to the idea. “You could have it in the garden next spring, when all the flowers are in bloom. Remember how we used to love playing hide and seek out there? And how we would cool off by lying in the grass and staring up at the clouds?”

“I don’t want to impose on your mom and dad.” But, gosh, she could already imagine a floral arch in front of the big lilac tree and how great the dance floor would look next to her favorite angel fountain, and the pool always looked so gorgeous with all the lights crisscrossing over it.

“Impose? They love you like a daughter, and I just know they would be thrilled to host your wedding.” She bounced on her toes. “Oh, Marigold, it would be so beautiful.”

“It really would.” The more she thought about it, the more perfect the idea became.

“Well, then, it’s settled. You guys are coming over to my mom and dad’s house after this, right?”

“Yeah, we’re planning to.” She might even take a stroll through the garden to get some more ideas for the wedding.

“Good. We’ll talk to my folks about it then.” Dulce turned toward the group. “Looks like their little meeting is over.”

Everyone shook hands and spread out to various parts of the room. The single ones headed to the table with the beer and wine; the others went to join their spouses and children.

“I’m going to go see if I can convince my husband to dance with me before Carter wakes up. Wish me luck.” Dulce gave her a tight hug and hustled away.

“Good luck.” She laughed at her friend’s enthusiasm.