There was a row of attached businesses—a pawn shop, dry cleaner, insurance office, financial planner, a secondhand store, and an ambulance chaser lawyer next to a bail bondsman.How convenient. The parking lot lines were illegible, patches of shingles were missing from the roof and littered the parking lot, and the paint was chipped and faded to a pale pink. The whole place suffered from neglect and looked worn-down and tired. As if someone built the thing, loaded it with tenants, started collecting rents, and never looked back.
“Keep going straight.” Cliff pointed toward the end of the building. “There, underneath that tree.”
A blue extended cab truck was backed into a spot and faced them. Greg pulled up next to it, stopped, and put his car in park.
“Thanks, kid.” Cliff forced a smile he didn’t mean and gave Greg’s shoulder a friendly shove. “Sorry if I got a little upset back there. But guess what. Now you won’t have to drive me around anymore.”
Greg opened his mouth like he had something to say, then must’ve thought better of it.
“You got somethin’ to say, say it.”
The kid shifted to partially face him. “Why are you so interested in that store?”
“That is none of your concern.” Cliff pulled the handle, swung the door open, and climbed out. He turned back to the car, one hand on top of the door, the other on the roof, and bent down. “I think it best if we don’t tell your mom about what happened today. After all, I’d hate for her to find out how you earned that money you no doubt have already spent on drugs.” Leaving him with that little warning, he patted the roof, slammed the door, and whistled as he walked over to the truck.
He hadn’t even made it to the driver’s door when Greg reversed out of the spot. His tires squealed as he sped toward the exit and turned right out of the parking lot. A minivan honked and swerved around him to keep from crashing into the dumbass.
Cliff swiped through his photos until he found the group shot taken outside Marigold’s store. He zoomed in on the pretty teenager. If Greg grew a conscience over some girl who made his dick hard, it could be problematic for Cliff.
“Looks like it’s time to pay a little visit to an old friend.” He took a last look at the picture of Marigold, opened the door, and cringed at the loud grinding noise.
It took two attempts for the engine to fire, and Cliff headed to the address Artie had given him. The guy had given up alcohol, so they spent a few hours reminiscing about their time in prison and catching up over sodas. Eventually, having run out of things to discuss, Artie gave him the keys to the camper and told him where he kept it.
Cliff thanked him, left his place, and found the nearest bar. The place was a pit, but it had cold beer on tap. He ordered a draft and watched the bubbles trickle up through the gold liquid before draining it all at once.
“Damn.” He set the empty mug on the bar with athump, tipped his chin up at the bartender, and tapped the brim. “Give me another, will ya?”
As he drank his second, then third beer, he stared at the photo of Marigold and zoomed in on the man’s hand on her lower back. With each moment that passed, his anger grew, and he made a decision. When he left, he had a six-pack, a decent buzz, and decided to pay a visit to a familiar townhouse in Georgetown.
Marigoldshutdownthecomputer, stood, and stretched her back. She rolled open her bottom drawer, grabbed her purse, and looped the strap over her head so it hung across her body.
“Let’s go home, Nicky.” She scooped up the kitten, gave a last look around her office, and flipped off the light.
Viking was just coming out of the back room. Before leaving, he performed a thorough check of the boutique dressing rooms, bathrooms, and any other space a person could hide. Marigold had always done the same thing, but it was nice to have someone else who cared as much as she did.
“Sounds like someone’s hungry.” He strolled over and stroked his hand down the kitten’s back.
“She’s not the only one.” Marigold had inhaled half a sandwich in between customers, and only because Viking had threatened to tie her to her chair.
“Sounds kinky,” she’d joked. Then she’d looked up at him, saw the heated look in his eyes, and her mouth went dry.
“Might be something to consider.” He’d winked, taken a bite of her sandwich, and left her sitting in her office, all hot and bothered.
Now that she was thinking about it again, she internally debated whether she wanted food first or sex. Whowasshe? In the past, she’d been lukewarm about sex. Could take it or leave it. Of course, Cliff was the only guy she’d ever been with, so not the best gauge. But with Viking, she strugglednotto think about both of them naked, holding each other, making love, and her feeling like she was everything he wanted or needed. A welcome change from being called a dead lay or a frigid bitch.
“Want to grab some Chinese food on the way home?” He took hold of her free hand, and they walked to the back door.
“Sounds perfect.” Contentment washed over her, and she rested the side of her head against his upper arm.
Viking kissed the top of her head and looked at the small video screen next to the door. The parking lot was empty, except for his big truck parked in Marigold’s spot near the door.
“We’re good.” Viking tucked her in front of him, tapped the code into the keypad to set the alarm, and pushed the door open.
He scanned the parking lot before proceeding. Marigold stayed close enough, his chest rubbed against her back.