Lettie, her new employee, had worked in retail before and even worked with the same point-of-sale software and equipment that Timeless Designs utilized. Her personality clicked with the other employees, she was a fast learner, and she was great with the customers. And, according to Sammy, her background was squeaky clean.
“Hi, Cole. Hi, Sebastian.” Shayna greeted them on her way to the front of the boutique.
They returned her greeting. Both men, as well as Hanna, Dulce and the baby, had been to the boutique many times and had insisted Shayna call them by their first names.
“Hey, guys. Let me just put these down and I’ll be right back.” Marigold followed Shayna and set the boxes with the others. “Let me know if you want any help, okay?”
“I will, thanks.” She was already staring down at her sketch of the display she was going to create.
Marigold glanced over at Viking. As if sensing her eyes on him, he turned her way, and the look he gave her set off all kinds of alarms. His facial features were tense, and his body had taken on an increased level of alertness. Which was disconcerting, since he was always hypervigilant and aware of everything.
“Might as well get this over with.” She took a reinforcing breath, released it, and joined the three of them. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not here for a social visit?”
“Because you have good instincts.” Sebastian gave her a hug and stepped back so Cole could do the same.
Almost instinctively, she moved closer to Viking, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She immediately circled hers behind his waist and leaned into him.
“First off, Jazzy wanted me to tell you again how happy she is for you guys.” Cole’s mouth hitched up at one corner.
“We’re pretty darn happy for us, too.” She smiled up at Viking.
“Very happy.” He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze.
Since her nightmare with Cliff, trusting people hadn’t been one of her strongest qualities, but this man was now firmly planted at the center of her trust circle.
“She and Carter drove in with me, but they’re hanging out with Hanna at the house right now.”
“They did!” She hadn’t seen her friend in person for about a month, which felt like an eternity. “Will I get a chance to see her and the baby before you head back to Fredericksburg?”
“You don’t honestly think she would be this close and not come see you, do you?” Cole chuckled. “When we’re done here, you can give her a call and work out the details.”
“Come on. Why don’t we chat in Marigold’s office.” Viking placed his hand across her lower back, and they all walked toward the back.
“Please, have a seat.” She tapped the back of one of the two extra chairs, circled her desk, and sat. “Okay, let me have it.”
Viking stood next to her, his hand on her shoulder, silently letting her know he was there for her.
“Cliff Barnum was released from prison at nine thirty this morning.” Sebastian got directly to the point.
Her heart rate shot up and pulsed in her ears, and it was as if all the wind left her body. Her vision began to cloud, and she felt Viking’s warm hand on the back of her neck.
He bent forward and whispered close to her ear. “It’s okay, honey. I’m right here.” He squatted down and turned her chair so she faced him. “I want you to take some deep breaths. Can you do that for me?”
She blinked, nodded, and did as he asked until her heart rate was close to normal. It took a couple of minutes, but they waited patiently as she regained her composure.
“Sorry for the freak-out.”Ugh, how embarrassing. “It’s dumb. I mean, I knew he would get out eventually. I just didn’t think it would be so soon.”
“You owe no one an apology, Marigold,” Sebastian said. “Barnum played the system, and they gave him an early release.” He sounded disgusted and rightfully so.
“After what he did to Marigold, I can’t believe that was even an option for him.” Viking gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and stood.
“The trial judge’s hands were tied by the existing penalty statute. But don’t worry.” The senator shared a sideways glance with Cole. “We paid Barnum a little visit this morning before he was processed out.”
“You went to the prison?” Marigold could not believe they went all the way out there.
“We did.” Cole propped his elbows on the arm of the chair and tapped his fingertips together. “The senator and I felt it was important to lay down a few … ground rules for Mr. Barnum. To let him know what our expectations are and how important it is to his health that he live up to them.”
“So, basically, you threatened him.” She smirked. “Right?”