“We do, but she’s going to keep digging,” Cole said.
“Beatrice got the envelope you overnighted to her,” Jonathan continued. “She’s going to see if she can pull DNA off the flap. If she can, she’ll run it through CODIS, and hopefully, she’ll get a hit.”
They’d mailed the note, envelope, and Cliff’s old card to the forensics lab at the Pacific Northwest compound via overnight delivery the morning after Viking got there.
“That’s the national DNA database thingy, right?” Marigold speared her fingers through her hair and dragged it away from her face.
“Correct. She also did a handwriting comparison between the two and easily concluded they were not written by the same person.” Jonathan bragged about his soon to be sister-in-law. “If anyone can identify the person who sent that note, it will be Beatrice.”
“Are you thinking Cliff sent Deborah to see me?” She looked at Viking. “But why?”
“We’re not sure yet, so we’re bringing Eddie in on this.” Cole filled them in on the basic plan. “He’s going to get close to her, shadow her, try to find out what she’s up to and why.”
“Are you working the real estate angle?” Viking was sure that would capture Deborah’s attention.
“Yes. He’s already called her office and arranged to meet with her tomorrow,” Cole said. “His cover is that he’s a wealthy businessman who’s just signed a massive contract with the US government and he needs a second home closer to DC.”
“What a bummer. She seemed so nice.” Marigold’s shoulders sagged. “Man, I thought I was done being so gullible.”
“Hey.” Viking set a finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up. “There’s a possibility Cliff is manipulating her.” He curled his hand around the back of her neck. “And you are not gullible.”
“Well, he was certainly able to manipulate me, so it’s plausible.” She wrapped her fingers around his wrist and gave him a small smile. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
“We’re putting Eddie up in my old suite at the Rosewood.” Cole used to stay there on those rare occasions he was in the country. That was before he met Dulce, fell in love, and started a family. “He’s using a burner phone and will check in with you when he arrives.”
“Why don’t you give me that number and I’ll add it to my contacts.” Viking rubbed his thumb along her jaw, dragged his hand away from her neck, and tapped the number into his phone. “We’ll be ready.”
“I’m sorry, you guys.” Marigold crossed her forearms on the table and spoke toward the phone. “I never intended for you to get caught up in all my drama.”
“You’re family now, Marigold.” Simple as that, and Jonathan meant every word. “You might as well get used to it.”
Family, honor, and loyalty had always been the O’Halleran family credo, and it applied to everyone within their circle. They would always have your back.
Marigold swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Thank you.” Tears welled in her eyes, and she swiped them away before she embarrassed herself.
“You’re welcome,” Jonathan said.
“Keep in touch,” Cole said, and a woman’s voice could be heard in the background. “Marigold, my beautiful bride would like you to call her. She said she wants to show you how cute Carter looks in the onesie you bought him.”
“Tell her I’ll call her when we’re done here.”
“Roger that,” Cole said.
They said their goodbyes and ended the call.
“You’ve had a long day.” Viking stood. “Why don’t I pour you a glass of wine and you call Dulce?” He reached his hand down to her. “While you’re chatting, I’ll get dinner started.”
She stared at his hand, finally took hold of it, and rose from her chair. No one could be this perfect, but she’d yet to find a chink in his armor.
“Wow, I feel so special.” She made a joke because she didn’t know what else to do.
“Youarespecial.” He leaned down and planted a quick kiss on her cheek, then stepped back, her hand still cradled within his.
“You kissed me.” Her free hand lifted to touch the warm spot left by his lips.
“That wasn’t a kiss.” He moved back into her personal space, and she didn’t bother backing away. “Trust me, Marigold, when I kiss you, you’ll know it.”