“Thanks, Sammy.”
“No thanks necessary. That was an easy one.”
“For you, maybe.” She was incredibly skilled.
“Was that all you needed?” Sammy also monitored and provided intel to all of the teams in the field. She always seemed to be in the control center—even kept a cot there.
“For now, yeah.” He hoped he was off base about Deborah Whitcomb, but his instincts had never failed him before.
“Cool beans. If that changes, let me know.”
“Roger that.” They ended the call, and he tucked his phone back in his jacket pocket.
Viking often wondered what Sammy’s story was. But as good as she was at providing them with all of the information they needed, she was just as skilled at sharing nothing about herself.
Vikingscannedtheirsurroundingsas Marigold carried Nicky up the steps to the townhouse in front of him. He held two paper bags from the pet store in his non-dominant hand, ready to draw his weapon with the other, if necessary. Though he was equally proficient with his other hand. She slipped her key into the lock, opened the door, and they both stepped inside. He secured the door, engaged the alarm, and set the bags down.
“Can you hold her while I put these groceries away?” Marigold asked.
“Sure.” He took Nicky from her. “How ’bout if I set up her bed and toys in the living room?”
“That would be great.” She strolled over and surveyed the room. “Maybe over there, in the corner by the fireplace?” She pointed. “What d’ya think?”
“I think she’ll love it there.” Viking loved that Marigold was asking his opinion.
“I just realized, I should’ve gotten her a bed for my room, too.”
He had a feeling Nicky would prefer sleeping next to Marigold on her bed.
The kitten wasn’t the only one who would prefer sleeping next to her. Last night, knowing she was only one floor above him had been torture for his mind and body.
“We can do that tomorrow. For tonight, you can just carry this one up there.” He had his eye on another toy for Nicky, anyway. “You go do what you need to do and I’ll take care of this.”
“I’ll just be a minute.” She dashed off to the kitchen, and he heard the fridge door open.
He dug the oval, padded bed out of the bag, walked across the room, and set it on the hardwood floor.
“Let’s see if you like your cushy new bed.” He squatted and gently laid Nicky down.
She yawned and looked around with sleepy eyes, walked in a circle, settled in a curled-up ball, and dropped off to sleep.
He emptied the toys from the other bag, removed all the tags, and laid them on the floor next to her.
“Aw, she looks so tiny in that bed.” Marigold walked over and knelt down next to the kitten. “I guess she likes it.” She grinned at the array of toys. “And those should keep her occupied for a while.”
She stroked the kitten’s back and pushed up off the floor.
“What a day.” She pressed her hands into her lower back and drew her shoulders back.
He tried not to stare at her chest, but everything about her did it for him, from the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled or how her wild curls tumbled over her face when she laughed, to her porcelain skin and sassy yet kind personality. She had burrowed beneath his skin the moment he first saw her, and she’d remained there during the months since.
“Why don’t I make us dinner?” He knew she had to be exhausted.
All day, she’d worked nonstop at the store, only taking a break to eat lunch and only eating because he’d threatened to tattle on her to Dulce. The last thing she wanted to do was worry her friend.
Viking had a special appreciation for hard work, focus, and dedication. These were all qualities Marigold possessed.