I pull both into a hug, holding them tight like I can somehow keep them from growing up so fast. Pressing a kiss on top of each of their heads, I clear my throat and stand, holding out my hands. “How about we go check on Cat?”
They nod, each slipping their small hands into mine, and we walk down the hall together.
For the first time in a long time, I'm not just looking forward to the next game or the next season. I'm looking forward to the future, to all the possibilities it holds.
And that, more than anything, feels like a win.
Chapter 26
I groan, shifting on the leather couch, my eyelids heavy and mouth dry. God, I hate antihistamines. But thanks to not paying attention to what I’m eating, I can’t really blame anyone but myself. And who knew Red Velvet was made with cocoa.
This girl sure didn’t.
As I yawn, the soft clinking of dishes from the kitchen draws my attention. I push myself up, wiping my eyes.
"Ah, Sleeping Beauty awakes." Leo's voice drifts in from the kitchen doorway. "I was beginning to think I'd need to kiss you to break the spell."
I snap my mouth shut, running my fingers through my hair, trying to fix what I’m sure is a rat’s nest. “Very funny, Prince Charming. You're hilarious. But why are you still home?”
Ugh, that came out harsher than I intended. But he has morning practice for their home game later. Speaking of . . . I turn to look at the time on the cable box.
Fuck me sideways, I've slept half the day away.
Leo chuckles as he sits next to me, placing a tray with a sandwich and a bowl of soup onto the coffee table. “Took the day off. You still need to rest.”
My eyes go wide. “But you have a game tonight.”
His jaw ticks. “Your health is more important right now.”
He holds up a hand. “Shut it, Hellcat. Decision’s already made.”
“Thank you.” I smile at him, then grab the bottle of water on the tray, open it, and take a swig. “Fuck, that tastes good.”
He laughs. A full-on loud, belly laugh.
I just roll my eyes. “Have dry mouth and be out for two days and see how much you appreciate the taste of water.”
“Not arguing with you. Did you know some water actually has taste based on mineral percentages?”
“Dork.” I place the cap back on the bottle, then place it on the table before reaching for the sandwich. “So what did Chef Hartman bring me today?”
He leans back against the couch, shaking his head. “Just a grilled cheese sandwich.”
My teeth sink into the toasted bread, melted cheese, and tomato. Fuck. This tastes heavenly. The bread is the perfect amount of crispy without being burnt.
We watch TV for a bit as I eat, neither of us saying much. Over the past two days Leo and the kids have been taking care of me. While I normally hate being sick or in a state where I’m vulnerable, the care they've shown me is like a warm, safe hug. I can’t help but wonder if I could’ve felt this way more often if I’d let down my walls with people in the past.
Leo’s fidgeting, which is highly unlike him, and he’s staring too intensely at the screen, so I nudge him with my foot. “You okay?”
He takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. "When you had that allergic reaction . . . Fuck, Cat, I've never been so scared in my life."
"Hey," I say softly, reaching out to take his hand. "I'm okay. Still kicking and ready to give you hell."
Leo nods, his fingers intertwining with mine as he looks at me, his blue eyes more intense than I've ever seen. "I'm in love with you. Have been for a while, I think. And the thought of losing you . . . I can't. I won't."