“Fuckin’ killed it. As always.” Wyatt gives me one of his signature megawatt smiles.
A second later, Leo Hartman walks in. Odd. His kids aren’t here. Though, Wyatt’s told us they’re trying to be friends. Seems the team captain is awkward as fuck when it comes to people skills.
“Hey, Leo.”
The man just nods his greeting, but the way he stares at me, those icy blue eyes unblinking, causes me to swallow hard. He’s never looked at me like that before. It's intense, almost predatory, and a shiver runs down my spine that has nothing to do with the winter chill.
He looks around the area, a muscle near his jawline ticking. He shakes his head, turns on his heels, then walks right back out the door.
I turn to Wyatt with both brows raised. “What the fuck was that about?”
Wyatt doesn’t respond. Instead, he chases his friend outside.
Now I’m intrigued. I peer through the blinds, watching the two men. Wyatt’s throwing his hands up in the air as Leo stands there, stoic as always. My gaze travels over the man. When people say Leo Hartman looks like a Viking, they aren’t kidding.
Blond, tall, lumberjack muscular, and those piercing icy blue eyes. But also that stoic attitude. Even without saying much he gives off an energy that screams he isn’t a person to be messed with. It's intimidating, sure, but also . . . oddly appealing.
What makes him even more appealing—he’s a great dad. I adore his kids when they come over to hang out with Jake, especially his daughter, Stella.
His kids are so empathetic and supportive of Jake, always making sure he is okay. Sometimes I wonder if they are both truly under ten years old because they act too mature. But their actions just go to show Leo’s doing a great job in raising them.
The only flaw the man has is that attitude. Or lack of one. Or lack of speaking. Like sure, it might be intriguing—maybe a little sexy—at first. But all that silence gets old.
I chuckle when Wyatt drags his fingers down his face, frustrated and turning red. I can only imagine what they’re talking about, but when I go to crack the window to eavesdrop, they suddenly start walking back toward the front door.
“Shit.” I spin and jump on the couch. Except, I land on the edge and bounce off onto the floor. “Ouch. Fuck.”
Pain shoots through my hip as I land, and I bite back a curse. Great. Just great.
“Why are you on the floor?” Wyatt raises a brow as he stands in the foyer staring at me.
I shuffle to my feet, trying to maintain what little dignity I have left. “You know me. Clumsy.”
A low groan comes from behind him. From Leo.
Fantastic. Now I look like a fool.
“You two need some privacy? I can go up to Jake’s room for a bit.” I’m already backing up toward the stairs. Anything to escape this awkward situation.
Wyatt shakes his head. “Actually, we need to talk to you about something.”
This should be interesting.
Wyatt shoves Leo forward. Sometimes I forget how tall the man is. At least to my five-foot-two self. He towers over me, and I have to crane my neck to look at his face.
Leo exhales slowly, staring at my forehead. “Need someone to help watch my kids. Interested?”
I know Wyatt probably meant to facepalm, but the slap is so loud the poor guy actually has a red handprint on his face. Yup, Leo Hartman is awkward as fuck.
“Uh, sure. You know I help out with them anyway. Just drop them off whenever.”
Leo rubs the back of his neck. “Meant like full-time. Live in sort of deal. Wyatt said—”
I glare at my best friend’s fiancé. “If you wanted me out, you should have said something. Not try to pawn me off on your friend.”