Jim hands me a pink plastic cup with a bendy straw. I take a grateful sip before attempting to speak again. “Marco’s dead?”
“As a doornail,” Bear says. “He made the fatal mistake of trying to keep Jim away from you.”
The relief his words provide is so strong. The pinch of sadness is unwelcome but not entirely unexpected. I meet Jim’s eyes, while emotion claws around in my chest. My face crumbles. “I tried to get him to leave before you got there. I didn’t want him to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you dare apologize. I will always,always, come to save you. I’m just sorry that I was almost too late.” Our fingers entangle above the sheets while he chokes up.
“No, it’s my fault.” My breath saws in and out. “Should’ve told you sooner. Should’ve updated the committee. Then we could have had a plan.”
Tony groans. “Alright, alright, enough with this crap already. We get it. You’re both to blame, now kiss and get over it before we all vomit from the sweetness.”
Jim’s head jerks up. His eyes blaze and I’m convinced he’s going to lose his shit. Then a reluctant smile tugs at his mouth. He shakes his head. “How about this? I promise if your wife ends up in the hospital, I won’t give you half as much shit, because I’m not an asshole.”
Tony gasps. “Wife? Bite your tongue. That’s just mean.”
I laugh, instantly regretting the impulse when the motion floods me with pain. Jim’s smile turns into a frown. “What is it?”
I nod while the pain recedes. “Just try not to say anything funny for the next, oh, month or so.”
“Mr. Sour Pants here? Should be a piece of cake,” Tony says, only for the oxygen to release from his lungs in a loud whoosh when Jim elbows him hard in the ribs.
I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing again. Oh, how I love these people.
Jim hooks his pinkie with mine, and the expression in his eyes when he gazes down at me makes my heart swell. “I love you, Taya.”
My heart swells and tears clog my throat. I sob, warmth suffusing once-cold limbs. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”
Marge shifts in Bear’s lap. “We’vebeen waiting for like six weeks. I had money riding on it.”
Her words bring a weak smile to Jim’s face and an outright laugh from Bear. My pinkie squeezes Jim’s, locking in our promise. “I love you too.”
I never want Jim to doubt my feelings for him again. If I have to tell him every day, several times a day, I’ll do so gladly. Why wouldn’t I, when he smiles so much brighter when he hears it?
“It sounds much better when you’re awake.”
My eyes widen.
He smirks. “You talk in your sleep.”
I flush, a little light-headed at the rush of blood to my head. Apparently, I’m too hurt to handle embarrassment just yet.
“And no one is ever going to hurt you again.” Jim’s brows pull together, happiness leaving his eyes. His posture is rigid, and a vein in his neck pulsates.
“You got that right,” Bear interjects, and I glance at him in surprise.
Marge nods, viciously determined. “You’re family.”
Lucas and Tony step up to my hospital bed, solemn for the first time since I’ve met them. “No one messes with family.”
These people are my family. I may not be as close to Tony and Lucas, but I know in my heart, they wouldn’t hesitate to risk their lives for me. And that they’ll watch over me and take care of me if ever Jim can’t.
Marge’s lips contort into a Cheshire grin of sorts, so wide her gums are exposed. She folds her arms, gaze turning to Jim. “Bear told me you guys were done repainting your guest bedroom, so when are you planning on moving Leslie’s old crib over? You know, I want my garage cleaned out before y’all are deployed again.”
My head whips to my husband, who’s growing paler by the second. Kids? He’s thinking about kids? My earlobes are on fire, showcasing my embarrassment, as usual. I slap at his forearm, but Jim continues to avoid my gaze, his cheeks a deep red. Yup, he’s definitely considering it. Who am I kidding? The man probably has a detailed mission plan on it already.
Tony snickers. “Pre-deployment baby?”