Page 33 of Bullet

“Even without Emerson, I’m always going to have a reason to run.” She brushed past me.

Maybe she was right. No way was she sticking around. Not for a guy like me. And not for any of my Heller brothers.

“Stay away from Steele.”

She twisted and glanced over her shoulder. “Why?”

Because I didn’t like the way he looked at her, and I fucking hated the way she had looked at him. “Like you just said, you won’t be here long enough to make friends.”

“I know, and you’re right.” She tilted her head. “I hate that I need your help.”

Her gaze penetrated mine, hitting me in the gut and sinking lower. The brattier her attitude, the harder she made my cock.

“But I know I do,” she continued. “Because I don’t want to make the situation worse, I’m willing to do what you tell me to.”

She shouldn’t say shit like that to me. I’d tell her to keep those brown eyes locked on mine as I split her thighs and buried my face between her legs.

Her hand rested on the door handle. “If I need your permission on who I spend time with or become friends with while I’m here in the MC, then I’ll go. Because you don’t get to make those decisions.”

“I’m not talking about friendship. I’m talking about fucking my brothers.”

She turned and walked out, and I didn’t have to guess who she was going to.

Fuck. I wanted in her bed, but Stormy was never going to forget about last night. But she was mistaken if she believed I’d let her play old lady to another patch in my club.

Two minutes later, I made my way back into the chapel and sat next to Sully at the table with Kodiak, Vega, and Rogue. Skye sat on Kodiak’s lap. She held five cards in her hand. Kodiak pressed his lips to her bare shoulder and pointed to the cards she should keep and tugged on the two she should discard.

Sully dealt her two replacements.

The bet went to Vega. “I’m out.” He tossed his cards face down.

The game continued, but my focus was on Stormy, still sitting at the table with Steele and his kid, and now, Bristol sat between her and Steele. Good. Although I could take it as another sign that I was too obsessed with Stormy. And she was just as aware of me as she licked barbecue sauce from her fingertip. Every few seconds, our gazes connected.

Steele grabbed her empty beer bottle and headed to the altar for another round. Bristol leaned over and must have said something about Steele because they both tracked his movement.

“You got a claim on that girl,” Sully spoke quietly. “Your prospect should know better.”

“I got no claim on her, and he’s not a prospect anymore.” I shifted my attention off Stormy.

Laughter erupted from the table next to us. Jazzy cheered on Blue as he chugged a beer. Once Romeo knocked up Levi, the girls migrated to Blue. But unlike Romeo, they weren’t trying to fuck him but mother him.

Scarlett slid into the chair next to me, blocking my view of Stormy. “I’m going to party with Skye and Kodiak. Are you coming with us?”

I leaned back in my chair and stared across the room. I’d only turned away for a moment, and in that time, she’d played musical chairs with Bristol. She might as well climb into Steele’s lap or onto the back of his bike. Like she said, she was going to fuck who she wanted. And since she wasn’t one of my girls, she’d made it clear she didn’t need my permission.

Stormy smiled at something Steele said. Her stare switched to me, and the smile slipped from her lips. She glanced away quickly and tipped her beer toher mouth. When she lowered it, her tongue slicked across her bottom lip, leaving a glossy coat. Her gaze flickered to me once more, then she dipped her chin and tucked her hair behind her ear.

I wasn’t going to watch her fuck my friend. I’d take care of Barras, but Stormy had just made herself off limits. Rejection tasted like shit, but I wasn’t permanent, and neither was she. Scarlett didn’t deserve to be a substitute for what I wanted, but I couldn’t find a fuck-all to give.

“Let’s go.”

Skye slid off Kodiak’s lap. Scarlett stood, took my hand, and led me out of the room. I didn’t look back because I didn’t want to see those brown eyes focused on anyone but me. I couldn’t watch her flirt with Steele and not want to pound him into the ground.

Even as I entered Kodiak’s room, my dick and my head were having a conflict of interests. My dick wasn’t interested, but I was going to fuck Stormy out of my head.

As soon as the door closed, Kodiak had Skye backed against the wall with one hand around her throat, the other in her panties, and his tongue in her mouth. Her hands worked on getting his clothes off.

Scarlett tugged me toward the bed. I dropped down and scooted back.