Page 8 of The Taker

“Whatever I say. Most days you’d work as my private chef or personal assistant, but other days I may have you do odd jobs or assist in whatever else I deem necessary.” I keep the description vague, because I highly doubt telling him he’d be my personal plaything would go over well.

He chews his bottom lip and his eyes slightly drift toward the window as he loses himself in thought. His silence as he ponders my offer is unnerving, and I don’t enjoy waiting.

“I already have a job, Mr. Vettore, but thank you for the offer,” he responds after a few minutes.

“I can pay you at least double what you’re making at the restaurant, Leo. Enough to build a savings. Financial security can make a world of difference…”

His face pales when he realizes I know about his finances, but he schools his features into a mask of indifference. “I enjoy working atSquisitoand I get by just fine. No thank you.”

“You’re legacyNueva Notte. Riccardo was an amazing soldier. You’ll bypass the initiation and won’t have to do anything illegal while working for me.”

Leo’s brows dip, a flash of anger striking his soft facial features. As quickly as they appear, they’re gone. He places his napkin on the table, then pushes out of his chair.

“Riccardowasa good soldier, but he was a terrible father. An absent one I barely remember. Another reason I can’t accept your offer. If you excuse me, I have to leave. Thank you for lunch.”

Sigh. Fly away, angel. I’ll catch you and clip your wings soon enough.

“I’m sure you’ll change your mind, Leo,” I call after him as he strides out of the private dining experience I had arranged for us. All that work, just for him to walk away. He hasn’t even tried the lamb chops and couscous entree.

Iknowhe’ll change his mind.Because whatever I want, I get. Asking was simply a formality so he felt like he had some measure of control over his decision.

Giuseppe calls me, most likely with an update I won’t like.

“Boss, he declined a ride home, and is walking toward the subway entrance a few blocks away. What do you want me to do?”

“If he wants to travel like a peasant, let him. Confirm that he returns home in one piece,” I answer before ending the call.

Money isn’t enough of a motivator for Leo Costa. I open the file my cousins made for me on my phone and scroll down, finding an image of him hugging his sisters at a park. He looks happy in this photo,present. Like he doesn’t want to be anywhere else.That’s truly adorable.

Seems like I found a way to make him fall in line. I’ll have to be a little more forceful in acquiring my new toy.



“W-what?” I stutter over the phone at Enzo. “Why are you firing me? I’m supposed to come back to work in a couple of days.”

“Sorry, Leo. It is what it is,” he says, as if taking away my only source of income is no big deal. “I need a chef that actually finished a culinary program, and the temp we hired for your medical leave has the credentials.”

My mind starts spiraling. How the fuck am I going to support my sisters? Feed them, clothe them, and pay for their activities. My mother sure as hell won’t. I can’t ask Sammy or the few friends I do have. Everyone is tight on money right now.

“Okay then, can you at least give me a reference for the next job?”

“Yeah, and I’ll see if I can give you a parting bonus,” he offers. Big whoop, aparting bonus. More like hush money until I can file for unemployment.

“Thanks, Enzo,” I grit out before I hang up.

I drop to the couch, holding my head in my hands as I try my hardest not to break down.How can Enzo fire me?I’ve worked there for years with no reprimands, no issues. I created two ofthe side dishes on the menu and always picked up everyone’s fucking slack. Don Vettore gave me the job because I’m legacy.

The word legacy reminds me of something Rocco said a few days ago…

You’re legacyNueva Notte.Riccardo was an amazing soldier. You’ll bypass the initiation and won’t have to do anything illegal while working for me.

Wait… Did Rocco get me fired from my job? He’d have the means to–his family owns the restaurant.

Right as I was leaving, he shouted,“I’m sure you’ll change your mind, Leo.”

That asshole got me fired! I fucking know he did. Why would he want me to work for him so badly anyway? He has the money to pay any top rated private chef he wants.