“I’m Rocco’s cousin Maddie. It’s nice to finally meet the man who captured my cousin’s cold, black heart.”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for doing arts and crafts with Lucy.”
“It’s no problem. She’s so much fun and really smart. I hope you don’t mind, but we made girl’s night plans for next week. She told me you make the best lasagna.”
I don’t even know this woman, and I’m already planning what I want to serve for appetizers and desserts. Rocco givesme a pointed look as he stands by the hallways that lead to the bedrooms.
“Um, if Rocco hasn’t dumped my ass by then, sure. Excuse me, but I think he wants to talk to me.”
“No worries, I have your phone number. I’ll text you.” She walks over to the couch and sits next to one of her brothers.
Wait, how does she have my number?
Before I can ask, Rocco clears his throat to get my attention again. I hesitantly follow him back to his bedroom, because I’m not sure what’s coming next.
He locks the door behind us, and I freeze. Is he going to yell at me? Dump me? Spank me?
The last thing I expect for him to do is take me in his arms and kiss me. When our lips meet, it feels eternal. Cosmic. He’s right—this thing between us is inevitable, and I don’t want to run from it anymore or push him away.
Without breaking our kiss, he picks me up, and puts me down on the dresser. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him in closer. I can’t bear to be apart from him a second longer.
“Wait. No,” he says, breaking us apart. “We need to talk.”
“Yeah, okay.” I brace myself for what he’s going to say next.
“I’m sorry Julia was taken. It’s my fault. I dragged you into this world, and she was collateral damage. Bringing her home in one piece isn’t enough to make amends.”
“Rocco, thank you so much for bringing her home safely and for saving me. I’ll always be thankful for that.” I’m unsure of what to say. How do you thank someone for putting their life on the line for you?
“I told you, lionheart, you’ll never be able to escape me, no matter how hard you try. I’m not letting you go.” He brushes his thumb across my bottom lip, and I melt.
“Even though I disobeyed your orders and put myself in danger?” I ask.
“I can punish you later for it. I hope your ass healed from the last one, because it’s going to be brutal.”
“Even though I gave your laptop and hard drive to your mortal enemy?”
“The minute he tried to crack the code, everything wiped itself clean. One of my men retrieved both items, so we can act like it never happened. I understand you wanted to save your sister. And you understand that pulling a stunt like that again will be considered treason.”
“You can get past me blaming you for everything and telling you I wish you got shot instead…” The minute I said it, I wanted to take it back, but I was lashing out. I felt so hopeless and lost, and didn’t know how to stop myself.
“Leo, do you want to know why the Vettore’s run this city? Because we’re crazy. Each of us has a darkness inside us that lurks just above the surface, allowing us to do some unspeakable things. You’ve met my darkness when I killed your little friend from the bar, but that was nothing compared to some of the shit I’ve done. If you can deal with me, I can forgive you for an off-handed comment.”
I can do more than forgive him because despite how crazy and unpredictable Rocco is, I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him. We hug each other, holding each other tight for several minutes in silence, taking time to breathe.
“Rocco… I know this sounds crazy, and it’s too soon. We barely know each other, but I’m falling in love with you.”
There’s a few beats of silence after, and I inwardly cringe. He’s probably thinking of a way to let me down easy.
“I never wanted a partner, kids, and a family. Or to sleep with the same person for the rest of my life. I hate hugging and feelings gross me out. But I want all those things with you. I think I’m falling in love with you too…but love isn’t the right word for how I feel. It’s not enough.”
I squeeze him tighter, because I know emotions aren’t easy for him.
“I’m obsessed with you—mind, body, and soul. You’re mine, Leonardo Costa. The girls and us, we’re a family I’ll protect with my life as many times as it takes. The thought of a life without you drives me insane.”
“Oddly enough, I was thinking the same thing in the car on the way here,” I admit.
“So let’s live a life together?” he asks, taking my hand and helping me off the dresser.