“There’s always guards on your floor watching your apartment and on the street outside your side of the building, whether you realize they’re there or not. Your sisters are perfectly safe.” I rake my gaze from his bedhead, down his white tee shirt and pajama bottoms, all the way down to his slippers. “You looked better lying in bed in your briefs. Take your shirt and pants off.”
I wait for the pieces to click together, then revel in the pure outrage on his face. The way his brows dip and his cheeks turn red when he’s emotional is priceless.
“Did you put cameras in my apartment? You creep!” he shouts.
Gio thunders down the hall, blocking the doorway. “Are you okay, Mr. Vettore?”
“Yes. I’ll shout for you if I need you, thanks.”
He nods before walking away.
“Yes, I have cameras inmyapartment, just in your bedroom.”For now. “I own the whole fucking building, toy. I can do whatever I want, including watching you video call someone shirtless. I told you, don’t show anyone what’s mine.”
“I was video calling my friend!” he says as he stomps his foot, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Doesn’t matter. You keep your clothes on while you’re around others, toy. Strip, I’m not asking you again.”
He runs his hands through his curly blond hair as he paces back and forth in frustration. He stops, turns to me, and with the most defiant scowl on his face says, “No.”
“No?” I lean back, curious about his logic. I know he’ll eventually do it. But I am interested in his thought process.
“I’m so fucking done with this.With you.I should have run the minute you sent me that note under the door.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered. Wherever you go, I’ll find you, lionheart. Because you’re mine.”
“I should have let you get shot,” he snarls. It’s so cute he thinks that would have mattered.
“Maybe, but you didn’t. Because deep down you knew this was meant to be,” I remind him as I take his hand and pull him onto my lap. He struggles, but I collar his throat and squeeze enough to remind him who’s in charge…who has the power to give him the very air he breathes.
“Settle down before I hurt you,” I say before letting him go. He takes a deep breath but sits in place on my lap like a good, obedient toy.
I take my hunting knife out of my back pocket and fist the soft, cotton material of his shirt with my other hand before slicing the pristine white fabric down the middle. I peel the ripped fabric from his torso, then drag the blade along his perfect skin to his pajama pants. His loud, panting breaths hitch.
“No, I can take them off,” he blurts out, but not fast enough. His hard length brushes against my hand as I grab his waistband. He’s so responsive to everything I do.
“Does your arousal embarrass you?” His face turns tomato red as he silently sits on my lap. “You’re such a perfect fucking slut for me,” I coo as I run the blade slowly down the side seam of his pants. The fibers of the fabric give way, leaving frayed edges in their wake. They’re stark against the goosebumps on his skin. “Who’s my filthy toy?”
He peers up at me, his angelic face placid despite the sharp knife inches away from him. So courageous when he’s about to get eaten alive. “I am…Sir.”
The innocence and trepidation in his voice are a siren call for the vile, hungry monster inside me. He’s pulling on a fraying rope, impatient to sink his teeth in and consume every last bite of my lionheart until there’s nothing less.
His eyes eat up the blade, the glint of the metal reflecting in his huge black pupils. When I brush the fabric away, he takes my hand as leverage, throwing his leg over my lap so we’re facing each other. I wrap my hand around his throat again, and his tongue peeks out to wet his bottom lip.
“Do you know what happens when you bang on the bars of the monster’s cage, toy?”
He swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. His eyes go wide, and I can feel the anticipation crackling through him like electricity.
“What?” he hesitantly asks.
“He breaks free.”
What is wrong with me? Why am I sitting on this lunatic’s lap, letting him cut my clothes off and choke me like a ragdoll while I grind myself against his dick.
Because it’s hot as fuck and you’re a kinky, horny slut with a death wish. Duh.