He spits my cum into his hand, then covers his length in it. The redness on his face intensifies as he glides his hand up and down, avoiding eye contact with me.
I snap my fingers to get his attention. He glares daggers at me, tightening his grip on himself. My little lion lets his emotions get the better of him, and it’s entertaining to get a rise out of him.
“Look at me while you’re touching yourself. Put on a show for me.”
He starts moving his hand up and down again, thumb swiping over the tip with each pass.
“Hmmm, does my dirty fucktoy touch himself often?” I ask him. His eyes perk up at the insult, and I think I unlocked a secret about Leo Costa.
My brave little lion likes being degraded.
I reach down and flick his nipple, causing him to gasp. “Answer me when I ask you a question.”
“No,” he says in a clipped breathy tone.
“You’re a terrible liar, toy. You probably thought about me while you sat alone every day in your apartment.” His breathing and speed pick up, and I smile to myself at how delicious he looks while pleasuring himself. “About how the big, bad prince of the docks would look while you sucked his cock. Tell me… did it live up to your fantasy?”
He groans, working himself harder, a blissful expression on his face.
“If this feels good, just think about how good it’ll feel when it’s my fingers in your ass…then my tongue…then my cock.”
His eyes close, as if he’s picturing my words in his mind. It’s enough to bring him over the edge. He comes into his hand, with some getting on his stomach and chest.
I approach him, then swipe my finger through our combined mess, popping it into my mouth. The salty, musky taste explodes on my tongue.Delicious.
He lays on the floor with his arms and legs spread out, breathing heavily. I give him a couple of minutes to gather himself, but the longer he sits there, the more I look at his button nose…his big blue eyes. His angelic face. It makes me feel something I have no business feeling.
He needs to leave, for now. I can’t let him stay here overnight.
“Get up,” I snap. “Put my clothes back on.”
He languidly rolls over and pulls my clothes back on. When I see the wet stain on my boxers again and how puffy Leo’s lips look, I sigh. I don’t want the guards seeing him like this, or my driver.
I see the bite mark I left on his neck and a surge of possessiveness rolls through me.He’s mine.
“Can I go back home now?” he asks. The hope in his expression pisses me off.
“I’ll take you home. Tomorrow, pack all of your and your sisters’ things. You have twenty four hours to bring them to your new apartment in this building. They’ll start school at Brighton Academy on Monday. And you’re expected to start bright and early.”
“Wait, a new school? I don’t want them to get attached to something that won’t last,” he argues.
I rise from my chair and stand close enough to him that he’s forced to look up at me. He doesn’t understand what “mine” really means. It isn’t something temporary or fairweathered. It’s forever.
“I don’t think you truly understand what you signed up for. Being mine isn’t temporary, Leo. It means forever.”
His face pales, and I leave him to marinate on it so it really sinks in.
The partition between the front and back seats gives us privacy from Gio. Not like he’d say anything—my crew’s loyalty is unmatched. The ride back to Leo’s apartment is silent, much like the ride to my penthouse. He doesn’t look any better. His brows are furrowed, lips downturned. Those big blue eyes are unfocused, a million miles off as he stares at the window.
When we park on the street, I mentally make a note to keep the guards posted on his place, in case he tries to leave. Even if he did, he wouldn’t get far. No matter where he goes, I’ll find him. I have eyes and ears everywhere, and the city is in the palm of my hands.
Despite how foolish it would be to leave, I wouldn't put it past him to try to escape with his sisters in the middle of the night. He may be obedient in the bedroom, but I know my lion is going to be tough to break. He still has a fire, this innate stubbornness I’ve never seen in someone before.
“Just pack the essentials. The apartment is fully furnished, and I provided a budget for new clothes and decorative items.”
“Wow, thanks,” he snarks.
Pulling him toward me over the center console, I bite his bottom lip again until I taste blood. He cries out, trying to push me away, but I suck it into my mouth, savoring the taste. Moving our lips together in a primal kiss, I dig my fingers into the bite mark I left on his neck and groan.