Breathe in, breathe out. Stay calm, it’s just sex. I rubbed my sweaty hands on the prison pants.
The Roulex agent had given me information on my…um… partner, but they hadn’t said anything about his horns. Sure, the picture they’d shown me had been his jawline down, so I knew about the chiseled muscles and wings.
But horns? Black spiral ones that grew from his forehead? At least they were sawed off at the ends. I shuddered. Not that I had anything against aliens or horns, but I’d been so excited when the picture they’d shown me was of this guy—alien—who looked mostly human. I’d worried he’d be one of the Minbari who looked like giant spiders who walked on their three back legs or even the Roulex here with their multi-colored green scales.
“How long have you been here?” I licked my lips, trying to keep my voice light. He looked like a sinful angel in person, even better than his partial photograph, and I hoped he couldn’t read my mind. The Roulex had said that I needed to pretend to be incarcerated with him and not that I was getting paid to pretend to like him or have his baby. But I had to get him to talk to me to find out more about him. He needed to relax and trust me.
So far, that hadn’t worked.
He kept his back to me like I was a nuisance he couldn’t be bothered with. His dark wings looked different than his picture. Now they looked like someone had taken a weed whacker to them. New feathers were growing in the gaps at least, but he still looked mangled.
“Is there anything I can do for you? Medicine? Soap?” I suggested.
His chuckle sounded like a cross between someone on the verge of insanity and someone who’d pulverize me. “Yeah, leave me the fuck alone.”
“Rude.” I sank onto the stone floor. “I’m only trying to help.”
“I don’t need your help, puny human. Leave me alone.”
Cross and stubborn. “You know, you remind me of a customer I had. No one in the diner wanted to serve him. He left zero tips, was demanding as a tornado knocking on a trailer, and sarcastic as sin.”
He grunted.
“But Eldon became one of my regulars. I took care of him when no one else would. You know what he did?” I continued when the winged guy offered no response. “He and I became very good friends. And he started tipping me and even the other staff if I was out.” Until he died of a heart attack four months ago.
“Was he human?”
“Half. Wezrjki.” One of the breeds known for being bastards. They looked like wild boars on two legs with tusks and were just as tenacious. “But I do think it was his human side that made him so insufferable. He’d have liked you though, I’m thinking.”
My cellmate remained silent with his back to me. I’d pretended to be asleep often enough growing up to know a faker when I saw one.
“What’s your name?” I leaned against the stone wall but kept my distance from him. Even though I was supposed to have sex with this being, I wasn’t going to jump on him. Not unless he wanted me to. He was sexy as fuck though. Why did the Roulex have to pay anyone to be with him?
Something wasn’t adding up. Either he was more dangerous than he looked or there was something wrong with him. With my luck, it was probably both. But I couldn’t back out now. The Roulex had paid mine and Dad’s bills for the next thirteen months. And the sooner I got pregnant, the sooner I could have, whatever this guy was, his baby. Then Dad could get the mechanical heart and kidneys he needed. You’d think it wouldn’t be this hard to get a guy to fuck me. Though the whole thing about mating with an alien and having his baby made nerves dance in my stomach, I had to do this.
“What’s the name of your kind?” My voice bounced off the walls. “You know, I studied tons of different species in school, but I don’t recall yours. Back when I wanted to become a doctor.”
I shake my head. “Mom had wanted me to follow in Dad’s footsteps and become a mechanic. Work on spaceships and earn an honest living. Said that becoming a doctor would be too hard for me. Dad had never finished school, unlike Mom, so he let her decide our education. Plus, we couldn’t afford medical school. But my sister? No, she was allowed to dream and be whatever she wanted from a mermaid unicorn to a beauty contestant. Mom even bought her a damn horse. Do you know how much those things cost to keep fed and stabled? Guess my mom believed she had the looks while I was left with the sarcasm and good with my hands.” It had hurt that my mom didn’t believe in my mind enough to support me.
Still nothing from my cellmate.
“If you don’t at least give me your name, I’ll make one up for you.” I tapped my finger to my cheek. “Okay, how about Eugene? Sheldon? Dilbert?”
No reaction. Would have thought at any of those he’d at least flinch.
I snapped my fingers. “I know, Milo. That was the name of my sister’s horse too.”
Damn, really thought he’d have at least balked at that.
“Look,” I said. “I know you’re not sleeping. Do us both a favor and at least tell me your name or I’m going to talk all night. I might not have the repertoire of my sister when she gabbed, but I’ve enough to irritate you all night.”
“I had a sister too. She died in this stink hole.” His anger rolled off him in waves. Dark, piercing eyes the color of polished copper glared at me and my breath caught in my chest.
The Roulex hadn’t said anything about that. “I’m sor—”
“If you don’t want to suffer her fate, I suggest you shut your mouth and get the hell out.”