The receptionist was a young woman and Megan’s steps faltered at seeing her. She’d hoped it was going to be the elderly lady who helped her last night.

“May I help you?” the receptionist asked.

“Yes. I don’t have an appointment, but I was wondering if I could speak to someone at Renjer Associates about a job.”

“Renjer isn’t hiring but if you’d like to leave your resume, I’ll send it up.” The woman shuffled papers. Were those job applications and resumes for the surrogacy?

“I spoke with the receptionist late yesterday.” Megan leaned her forearm across the counter. “She took my number and said someone would get back with me.”

The receptionist cocked her head. “Oh? And did anyone contact you?”

“Well, no, but—”

“Sorry, but if they have your information, there’s nothing more I can do.”

Megan gritted her teeth, her fingernails digging into her palm. “Please…if you could just tell them…” Tell them what? That she was at the end of her rope and she’d do anything to save her father from having to be moved to another hospital? That she’d give him her kidney, part of her liver and bone marrow if it would heal him? Or that she needed thousands of dollars now?

Tears filled her eyes. She spun away from the counter, determined to at least speak to someone at Renjer, and marched to the private elevator bank behind the receptionist’s desk and pressed the button.

“Miss, you can’t go up there,” the receptionist screeched.

“If they don’t want my services, then they can tell me to my face.” Megan mashed the button again for good measure. Once she got in front of one of the bosses, she’d explain her situation. Maybe even off to be a surrogate for two years to get part of the money up front. Though, she still didn’t know how much Renjer paid. Cynthia said it was enough for her to quit her job at the factory but was that only while she was pregnant? Was it enough to cover someone’s income for a year or so?


But Megan ignored the receptionist’s cries. The elevator doors swung open and she marched inside. Just before the doors closed, a hand moved between the shutting elevator, stopping them. A man’s hand and Megan stiffened. Was it a security guard who would throw her out before she even had a chance to speak to anyone at Renjer?

The man stepped inside the elevator with her and her breath caught. She’d recognize his golden hair and eyes anywhere. It was the guy from the restaurant who had given her and Alice a huge tip. Her insides quivered. What was he doing here? Did he work for Renjer? Or was he a security guard?

He quirked an eyebrow at her. “We need to talk.”