Chapter 28


“Are you sure?” Dena asked Megan. The vet obviously understanding her plan of having a half-alien/ half-human baby to draw out the Tryns. “We haven’t tested you to see if you’re compatible to carry a Renjerian child.”

“Yes, do you think it will work to lure the demons?” What would Levx say about her decision? Would he be okay with her carrying another child that wasn’t his? She pushed that thought away. This was for the triplets, Desmonda, Levx and whoever else was still alive.

Dena pursed her lips, then nodded. “It just might. Wait here, I’ll be right back while I prep everything for the implant.”

* * *

Megan paced up and down the hallway while she waited for Dena to return. What was taking the woman so long? What if Levx needed help right now?

“Stay calm,” she breathed out. Nothing she could do right this moment anyway. She had to have faith that everything would be okay despite her anxiety shooting in her veins.

The apartment door at the end of the hall opened. Levx’s dad and Alice strolled out, his arm around her waist.

“Megan? You’re still here, is everything all right?” Alice asked.

“Huh…oh, yeah. Just waiting on Dena.”

“Xurleon is taking me home.” Alice grinned up at Levx’s father who flushed crimson on his cheeks.

“Oh…ah…that’s great.” If Alice got him to try her coffee and pie, he would be smitten for sure. “I’ll call you later, I’m going to stay here and help Levx’s family out for a few days.” Or however long it took to get pregnant and then get the demons to come. She shivered. God, she was going to bathe in holy water from now on if she got through this to remove the thought of wanting the vile creatures to come anywhere near her.

What if she didn’t survive carrying an alien baby? Or labor was really-really bad…would the baby be half-dragon and come out with scales and a tail? She pushed aside her worries. Getting everyone away from the demons was more important right now. Later, once Levx and all of his people were free, then she’d figure out the rest.

Two hours later, Megan gripped the edge of the metal table. Her fingers were hot and sweaty, leaving a steamy imprint on the cold metal. “How long before we know if this works?”

“Are you sure you want to go through this?” Dena asked for the third time as she held a syringe with a really long tube on the end of it. “This is the last time to back out. The hormones we gave you earlier are already preparing your body to ovulate and Renjerian sperm is very potent. We should know by tomorrow evening if it worked.”

“If this can help save the boys and everyone, then yes. I just wish it could’ve been with Levx and not some random dragon donor.”

Dena grinned and held up the giant shot. “Well that I can do, this is his sperm.”


“The king. He insisted all the males be tested to ensure it wasn’t just the females of their species having fertility issues. I had all fertile males give me three samples to work with. Since I was going in order of receipt, and Levx dragged his tail about getting me his, I’ve three vials full for you.”

Her heart skipped a beat with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Not only was she going to be pregnant with an alien baby but it was going to be Levx’s. Hers and his.

Now all she had to do was wait.

* * *

Two days later, Megan didn’t feel any different, but Dena had confirmed that she was indeed expecting. How would Levx feel about that? Dena had said he was one of the last ones to come in and give his semen to be tested so did that mean he didn’t want a family but was forced into it?

She walked briskly down the city street, hoping to spread her condition far enough for any Tryns nearby to catch a whiff. According to a handful of Renjerians watching from the tops of buildings, the demons would come and take her, hopefully to where they had hidden the others. Then the rescue mission.

Please let them all be alive. Levx, and the boys and Desmonda. Everyone. Her hands shook, and she clenched them. This morning she’d helped check her dad out of the hospital. He was in a hotel because she was worried about leaving him at her apartment and the demons showing up there for some reason. She had enough people she cared about in the claws of these monsters and she didn’t want to add in her dad too. And Levx’s kidney had worked wonders. Now her father was talking about taking a ski trip during the winter and rock climbing in the summer.

When Megan dashed across the street to a coffee shop to grab a bagel, a faint odor of sulfur and burnt asphalt hit her nostrils and she gagged. They were here, nearby. Sniffing, she followed her nose past the coffee shop and down an alley.

Nothing but a dead end and a dumpster. Just in case, she inched forward to peer behind. Just empty boxes. False alarm. Disappointed, she turned back to the street when a cat burst out of the dumpster and she shrieked.

“Are you lost, little lamb?” a male voice asked from the shadows.

My feet froze to the ground. “Who’s there?”