Chapter 27


Chapter Twenty-seven

Megan said goodbye to her father and took a taxi back to Levx’s apartment complex so she could talk to him about what he’d done for her father. About what Levx meant to her now that she knew more of the truth of why he’d done what he did. When she entered the lobby, it was eerily quiet. The receptionist wasn’t around and no one milled about or lounged in the comfy couches and chairs spread around the place.

Where is everyone?

She had to get to Levx. Her sneakers squeaked across the marble floor as she hurried to the elevator bank. Slowly the elevator took her up to his floor. Please be there, please be there.

Though she had no idea what she would say when she saw him. The feeling of having to know he was okay, hear his voice, touch him swelled up inside her chest. She wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet but at least she was ready to talk to him. And she needed to at least thank him for saving her father…saving her too.

Outside his apartment, she knocked, then wrapped her arms around herself. Why had he given his kidney to her father? Did they have more than two so it was no big deal? He couldn’t tell her what he really was but had told her dad? Was that because he figured he wasn’t going to come back from this demon hunt? Or had he assumed I wouldn’t accept his true form?

That thought made her ache all over. What if he’d gone into battle and had died? Tears pricked the back of her eyes. What was the last thing she had said to him? She couldn’t remember except that she was mad and yelling.

She never got to thank him for what he’d done. Or tell him goodbye.

“Levx?” her voice cracked as she knocked harder on the door.

No answer. Her insides twisted. Where could he have gone? To their company building? No, he wouldn’t go into work if his three nephews were still missing.

“Megan?” a female voice asked.

She spun and found Dena dressed in scrubs covered with blue goo or blood and a confused look on her face.

“I thought you left, what are you doing back here?”

“Have you seen Levx?” Megan rushed forward. “What happened to you?”

“Some of the warriors returned from trying to locate the others and I’ve been patching them up.” Dena straightened, her expression granite. “You should go.”

Her heart thumped hard against her breastbone. “What about Levx? Is he here…is he hurt?”

“No. I’ve not seen him or Desmonda and a few others since early this morning when he ordered your IV taken out so you’d wake.”

So he knew something bad was going to happen today and he’d prepared ahead of time by ensuring her dad was okay and then asking for her to be released from whatever he’d used to knock her out. Her legs wobbled underneath her but she remained upright. Her voice wavering. “Was he here, this morning then?”

If she figured out which way they’d gone maybe she could help find them. Where would demons hang out especially with three dragon-kids?

“No, sorry. I misspoke.” Dena shook her head. “He sent a text this morning that’s all. Before that he’d been missing for over twelve hours.”

That didn’t sound good and fear sliced through her.

“What’s going on out here? Alice is trying to sleep.” Levx’s dad bustled out of a room. His white hair was rumpled and gave him a mad scientist look.

“Megan was looking for Levx but I told her he hasn’t been here and that she should leave.”

“Yes, it’s far too dangerous. We’re packing up those who can leave and fleeing the city.” He nodded, his voice darkening like he was annoyed. “You should leave.”

Most of her life she’d served others. When her mom got cancer, she took care of her. Then her dad and she got a job waiting on people and cleaning houses. She was used to being ordered around and Levx’s father’s booming voice left no room for argument. But she’d never felt like this before. Like she was missing some key piece and could help.

“What about Desmonda and Levx and the others? You’re just going to leave them?” She locked her arms at her sides refusing to let this go and just obey his demands.

“We’ve sent out multiple search parties and either has found nothing or have our troops come back dead or bleeding.” He raked a hand through his hair, his face turning red. “We’ve lost too many of our people already and I refuse to allow any more.”

“Sounds like the creatures are ambushing you. What if you lure the demons—Tryns to where you want them?”