Chapter 26


Cool liquid touched Megan’s lips and she instinctively licked them. It was sweet like honey but not as thick or sticky. She pried her eyes open. Levx’s bedroom swam around her. His scent like roasted marshmallows and campfires wafted around her.

“Levx?” Her voice sounded hoarser than she thought it would.

“Take it easy, have some more tonic,” Dena said.

“What happened?” She took the silver flask from the woman and sipped. Last thing she remembered was finding out she and Alice had been here for longer than a night. “I need to call my father. God, he must be worried sick about me.”

“Easy, you can use my phone after you finish all of that.” Dena lowered her head as if she prepared for an argument.

She took a big gulp. “Talk while I drink. What’s going on? Where’s Levx? Did they find the triplets?”

Dena shook her head. “Levx, Desmonda and a handful of others haven’t returned. They left the same night they brought you and your friend in. No one’s found them or the boys either.”

Megan’s chest constricted like someone wrapped a chain around her torso. “Have you sent out others? A search party?”

“We did. The order was to return at sunrise today but they never returned.” She blinked back tears. “My husband and others are looking for survivors now. The king ordered us to flee so we uncooked you and your friend from the medicine keep you asleep as you were healed enough to go home.”

“Wait, how did I fall asleep the first time? I mean I was coming here with Alice then I couldn’t keep my eyes open.”

Dena nodded. “Levx ordered a sleeping gas when you entered. It doesn’t affect their kind and the dose was concentrated enough that it knocked you and your friend out.”

More trickery.

“You know he only did that too keep you two safe.”

“I don’t care what his motives where, the end result was the same.” Megan held up the flask. “What is this?”

“Just electrolytes, vitamins, protein. It’s my own concoction, do you like it?”

“It’s good. Now let me have a phone, please.” She forced the last of the liquid down despite her stomach cramping from nerves.

Dena handed her a cell phone and she quickly punched the numbers to the hospital in.

“Hello?” her father answered and she let out an excited breath.

“Dad! Thank god you’re okay.”

He chuckled. “Why won’t I be. I mean I’m recovering from surgery but doctor says everything looks good.”

“Surgery? Did you get a donor then?” She squeezed the phone trying to staunch the tears of joy from her voice.

“Yeah. Sorry you missed it, pumpkin,” he said. “Horrible time to catch the flu but Levx told me you were cheering on the sidelines and hated to miss the transplant.”

“Levx?” She glanced at Dena who scowled and shook her head. “Yeah, I had the flu real bad, still feel a bit out of it but wanted to check on you.”

“Well, thank you for calling, I miss your voice. But I can’t be around any sick people so make sure you’ve no fever or anything before you come see me. Then I’m going to expect the biggest hug you can give me.”

She let out a sob. “You got it, Dad.”

“Gosh honey, you sound terrible. Levx treating you all right? He’s a really great guy and I can tell he really cares for you.”

Her throat constricted. “Thanks. Um…my cell is broken but I’ll get another soon and call you back later, okay?”

“Sure thing. Now go get some rest.”