“Shit. Sorry. You mean the baby I was going to have and give away would’ve been half mine?” Her stomach knotted. “God, you people…aliens are sick. Why would do that to someone? Trick them into having offspring with you and not even telling them that you’re not human and that the baby will be there’s?”
His face turned purple. “By the time the baby is born, the Renjerian has told the woman. Then it is her choice as to stay with the male and raise their hatchlings or not.”
“How is that a choice?” She stood, her arms tight at her sides. “You lie and trick to get your way. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just as bad as the enemy you claim to fight. Worse, cause they show their true colors from the get-go.” Though her mind niggled her that Levx hadn’t hurt her physically or threatened her like the Tryn had and he’d come to save her and Alice. Still, he hadn’t told her the truth and the demon-creature had pretended to be Levx at first.
“I don’t have to defend myself against a mere human,” he snarled, his nose pinching as if her mere presence disgusted him.
“The way I look at it, you need us.”
Something passed over his face for a moment but it was so quick she couldn’t discern what it was. “We don’t need anyone.”
“Yes you do or your species will die out, won’t they?”
“M-Megan?” Alice asked from the bed and she whirled to her friend.
“Oh my god, how are you feeling? Are you okay?” She sat back on the bed beside her.
“Like I got mugged and run over by a freight train.”
Megan held her hand. “You got hurt pretty bad, do you remember anything?”
“Black shapes…furry…biting me.” She looked past Megan to Levx’s dad behind her. “I like this dream though. Who’s the hottie?”
“No one, just Levx’s dad.”
“Get out! Really?” She lowered her voice but Megan was pretty sure he heard her. “Is he single?”
Levx’s dad snorted, then cleared his throat. “Are you feeling well enough to eat?”
“Maybe a bite.” She winked at him.
“Um…Alice…he’s Levx’s father.” How much would her friend freak out learning he was an alien—a dragon?
“So?” She sat up in the bed. The bite marks had faded some like she’d been here for weeks and not hours. Unease clawed up her throat. Sure these people—creatures were aliens and probably had advanced technology but she was pretty sure no one could heal that fast without magic and from what she’d seen these beings were more scientific with their treatments than wizards.
A sinking sensation hit her middle and she blinked rapidly as blackness surrounded the edge of her vision.
“You need to eat something. Both of you,” the elder man’s voice echoed in the room.
She licked her lips which were dry and cracked. “H-How long have we been here?”
“What are you talking about?” Alice asked but she didn’t look back at her friend.
“Neither of us would’ve healed this fast even with your medicine yet,” she unwrapped her arm. A tiny hole where an IV had been was there with a healing bruise. “How long have we been here?”
He straightened. “Eat, then I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
“Tell me now.” She raised her trembling chin. Dad! What had happened to him while she had been trapped in here? Was he okay? She was going to kill Levx when she saw him.
“Four days.”
Her heart sunk and the room spun.