Indy was tucked inside with Winnie, her knees pressed to her chest. She wore a crown, her eyes hidden behind her hands as she played a game of peekaboo with my niece. She did it again and again, each time earning a loud giggle. I’d played it countless times with Winnie, confused how she never grew tired of it. But as I watched Indy play with her, I finally understood.
I could watch this for the rest of my life.
I peeled back the blanket, and then Indy’s gaze caught mine. “Nolan,” she said, just as Winnie squealed, “No-no!”
I chuckled at the new nickname and crawled inside, pulling Winnie to me for a tight hug. She mumbled her words fast, one of them sounding like castle. “Did you build a castle?” I asked, and she nodded, beaming. “It’s perfect. You should leave it up all year.”
Outside the fort, Shay coughed, and I laughed before pulling Indy to me, my lips meeting hers. “Think you could build one in my living room? Big enough for two. Actually, three. We can’t leave Genny out.”
She gave me a closed-mouth smile. “I think that could be arranged.”
I smirked, and my lips had just touched hers when Winnie screeched. Startled, we pulled away, and Shay said, “Are they kissing in there, Winnie? Your daddy caught them too.”
Indy pressed her head into my neck, laughing as my niece ran out of the tent. “I missed you,” I murmured, not caring if that was ridiculous since I’d seen her only hours ago, even woken up beside her. At the end of this, I wanted to have peace that I’d given her everything.
“I missed you too,” she whispered into my skin, and those words were enough to clear away the lingering ache in my chest. “I’ve thought about you all day. I wanted to leave, but I was having a good time with Shay, and then Winnie wanted to play—”
“I’m glad you had a good time.” I didn’t want her to think for a second I resented her doing something for herself. “It makes me happy, seeing you with my family.”
She smiled up at me, not bothering to hide the flickers of sorrow and bittersweet joy there. I had no doubt she’d had a good time with Shay and Winnie, but at the same time, I knew it must have been hard for her. Wanting what they had. I’d watched her wrestle with the same emotions a few nights ago after her sister delivered her newborn son, Jude, and she’d called Indy to share the happy news. Reminding her she wasn’t alone in that, I kissed her cheek before we crawled out of the fort and joined Shay in the kitchen.
“I’m going to head home with Nolan.” Indy rolled up one of the banners she’d made. “Thank you again for your help. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Of course,” Shay said, smiling as she watched me loop an arm around Indy’s waist, pulling her against me. “Besides, you did me a favor by helping with the pies. This is going to be the best bake sale ever!”
I pressed my lips together. “You’re doing a bake sale?”
“It’s for the fundraiser—it’s going to help Indy raise a lot of money.” She glared at me, looking ready to hit me with a spoon. “You want a slice of pie before you go?”
I snorted, ready to tell her no, just as Indy pinched my thigh. “Yes.” She gave me a pointed look. “Be sure to give Uncle No-No two slices.”
Shay gave me a smug look, flipping me off behind her back. While she was busy searching the cupboards, I leaned down and murmured in Indy’s ear, “Don’t blame me when you can’t sleep tonight.”
She craned her head back to look at me, her gaze on my lips. “I wasn’t planning on sleeping anyways.”
My blood boiled, and I pulled her tighter against me. I hadn’t been referring to sex, but now I was desperate to get her back home. Hell, I just needed to get her in my truck. Her legs on my shoulders—
“Okay,” Shay cried, plates clattering as she slid them across the table. “Indy, I gave you apple. Nolan, you have peach—I know you love them. Please eat your pie and then take you and your hormones back to your place.”
I barked a laugh, clutching Indy as she tried to squirm away. “Ignore her. Shay forgets there was a time when we all lived under the same roof. Her and Brooks drove me crazy. I had to sleep in my truck one time and cover my ears—”
“That is not true!” Shay screeched, her cheeks crimson. “Best eat your pie before you find something else in your mouth, Nolan.”
Indy chuckled, leading the way to the table. “I like her,” she told me after Shay stepped out of the room to put her daughter down for a nap.
“You might change your mind when you’re gagging down this pie.” I winked, and she rolled her eyes, not knowing I was serious. I loved Shay—there was no one better for my brother. And her cooking might’ve improved from when we’d first met and we’d thought she was trying to poison us, but I was wary. Plus, it was fun to give her shit over it.
“Hey,” I said when she came back into the kitchen, my slice half gone. “This is actually pretty good.”
Indy coughed, and Shay narrowed her gaze, watching as we both took another bite. “Are you just saying that?”
“Nope.” No one was more surprised than me. “Tastes good. Ain’t no way you don’t have the best bake sale at the fundraiser.”
Despite Indy’s hacking, Shay smiled. “Really? The peaches didn’t make the crust soggy? It usually does, but Indy’s tips must’ve helped.”
I shrugged, and when Indy coughed again, I slid her a glass of water. Poor girl’s pie must be terrible. With my free hand, I reached over and soothed my palm over her back. “I can’t speak for the peach, but the apple pie turned out great.”
“But I gave you the peach pie?”