Ah, to hell with it.Gripping her hips, I pulled her in. But before I could feel her soft breath on my lips, I heard my brother’s voice from outside. “Hey, you in there?”
Indy’s frame went rigid, her eyes wide as the shed door groaned open and a draft of cold air swept in.
“Shit—I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you weren’t alone.”
She scrambled to get off the table, but I tightened my hold on her. She had nothing to be embarrassed over, and I wasn’t going to pretend she was something to hide. “Did you need something?” I asked, staring down at Indy and the cute glare she was giving me. “Or were you just bored and decided to be a pain in my ass?”
Brooks laughed behind me, not knowing I was making plans that ended with him never having sex again. “Sorry, I was going to ask if you could watch Winnie for us. But I have a feeling you’ll teach her how to shave my head now, so never mind.”
Indy jabbed her elbow into my ribs, and I grunted, dodging when she made to do it again. Positive she’d kill me if I dared wrestle her in front of my brother, I let go and moved to the side of her legs. “Sorry.” Clearing my throat, I crossed my arms over my chest. “When do you need me to watch her?”
Brooks rubbed the back of his neck, the tops of his ears crimson as he likely regretted opening the door. “Shay has that marathon she’s running on Saturday. Jake was going to watch her for us, except he caught some sort of stomach flu. Figured we’d ask you before we made other plans. It’s a few hours short of the Utah border, so it’ll just be for the day. We’ll be back late that night.”
“I won’t be in town—I have a few orders I need to deliver near Phoenix,” I told him, not liking that I couldn’t help. “If you’re okay with it, she can come with me. I’ll introduce her to some real music, none of that Cocomelon stuff.”
“Maybe.” He tucked his hands in his pockets. “I thought about bringing her along with me, but I’m not sure how she’d do hanging out at the course all day. Shay mentioned canceling, but I don’t want her to do that. She’s worked too hard. I’m thinking I might just stay home—”
“I can watch her,” Indy offered, and from the glance Brooks gave me, he was as shocked as I was. “I mean, if you’re desperate enough I can help. I’m not doing anything Saturday.” I’d planned on inviting her to go out of town with me, and while I was disappointed, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love the idea of her spending time with my family.
“Okay,” Brooks agreed, interrupting my thoughts as I tried to decide if I was jealous of my baby niece or not. “Let me talk to Shay and see what she wants to do. But it might be a good idea if you stop by the house beforehand and get to know Winnie a little more. I imagine Shay will want to go over a few things with you.”
She nodded, nibbling on the corner of her lip. “Definitely no pressure or anything. You won’t hurt my feelings if you say no.”
“Alright. I’ll let you know,” he said, already backstepping out the door. “Indy, I’m heading back to town if you want to catch a ride with me—I can drop you off at your parents’. But I’m sure you probably want to get back to whatever the hell you two were doing. Looked like he was ready to suck your blood.”
Laughing, he dipped out the door, dodging my hat as I chucked it at him. Indy giggled, hopping down from the table. “I should go.”
Disappointment pulsed through me, but I shoved it down. “That’s probably a good idea. I’m sure Genny is missing you.”
She smiled faintly, but rather than running after Brooks, she lingered. “Hey, Nolan?”
She pressed up on her toes, leaving a featherlight kiss on my cheek. “I’m in charge of our second date.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven
A set of terrifying pure blue eyes blinked.
I blinked again.
They blinked back.
Palms slick, I rubbed them against my jeans and scooted farther away on Nolan’s couch, as though that could save me from the toddler perched two cushions away. We were in the middle of a standoff, and by the way she was watching me, I was questioning who was babysitting whom.
My phone rang and I swiped it off the coffee table, answering immediately. “It’s about time.” I’d never been so grateful to see my sister’s name. “I texted you hours ago.”
“I just woke up. And you literally texted me a picture thirty minutes ago.” Auburn yawned, exhaustion heavy in her tone. “Whose baby did you kidnap?”
“I didn’t kidnap her.” I closed my mouth, freezing as Winnie stood, her chubby feet sinking into the cushion, and her wide blue eyes peered into mine. After confirming she wasn’t going to jump—or touch me—I said, “I’m babysitting Nolan’s niece. She’s Brooks’s baby.”
I furrowed my brows. “Why is she Brooks’s baby?”