Mandy was not going to let Mom bully her into those shoes even for one second onherspecial night. “You said…”

“Fine.” Mom’s lips puckered like she was holding in all the words she wanted to say, but then her face relaxed. “You’re right. It’s your night and you both look beautiful,” she said. “Let’s get you to stand by the begonias.” Mom ushered them across the yard, positioned them each just so, and took a step back.

“You’re cutting our feet out, aren’t you?” Mandy asked.

“I’m getting some close-ups,” Mom said, and the camera clicked a few times. She turned the camera this way and that while Mandy and Isa changed positions—facing each other with hands on hips, arms over each other’s shoulders, leaning in for air-kisses. The whole time her mom never took a step back or changed her position in order to get their full bodies. She was being ridiculous. Mandy loved her outfit, and that included her shoes. Why did Mom have to be so stubborn?

“Now if you two could switch places, we’ll do that all on the other side,” Mom directed.

Mandy hiked up her skirt and held her foot up at her waist. “What about this? That way you can get all of me.”

“Amanda!” Mom looked scandalized, like Mandy was showing off her underthings to the entire world, not an empty backyard. “Pull your dress down. It’s a good thing Isa’s abuela isn’t here to see this.” Mom’s head pivoted as though she was making sure no one else was watching even though they were the only ones there. “I was getting to it, jeez.”

Abuela would probably laugh and tell Mom she was being too prudish, but Abuela had an appointment she couldn’t reschedule, which was why Mom was in charge of all the pictures.

Isa didn’t copy Mandy, but she did say, “I’m sure my mom and abuela won’t mind, Mrs. Dean.”

“See.” Mandy dropped her foot and leaned in and kissed Isa on the cheek.


“Fine.” Mom took a few steps back, and this time, as Mandy and Isa posed, Mom surely got their whole bodies in the frame.

“You are really glowing tonight, Isa,” Mom said. “Excited about the first big date?”

Isa glanced at Mandy, that single eyebrow of hers threatening to perk up in aplease save mekind of way.

“It’s not that big a deal, Mom,” Mandy answered for her.

“Our little flower is finally ready to bloom,” Mom said, either ignoring Mandy or not listening to what she just said. “I always knew if we gave you time…”

Isa’s cheeks flared, and she reached over to squeeze Mandy’s hand.

“Let’s get some over there.” Mandy gestured toward the corner of the yard, where a giant tree that kept them supplied practically year-round with lemons grew.

“Let’s hide behind it,” Isa said, “and we can pop out of each side and look at each other.”

“Oh yes, that would be adorable,” Mom agreed.

Mandy avoided stepping on a few lemons that had dropped to the ground since the gardeners had been there, and braced herself against the trunk. This tree had always been a favorite of hers. When she was little, she loved to climb it and get the lemons that were near the top. Per Mom’s request, Dad would stand below Mandy, ready to catch her in case she fell—she never did though. But when she got high enough to see over the stone wall into the Browns’ yard, their dog would bark and bark and bark. Then Mr. Brown would come out and say, “Shut up, you dumb mutt,” and then Mrs. Brown would get mad at Mr. Brown, which made the dog bark even louder, and Mandy would laugh and laugh and laugh. The Browns didn’t live there for long once the divorce papers were filed.

“Let’s get you over by the fountain,” Mom said, pulling Mandy from her thoughts.

She and Isa sat on the edge, legs crossed with their hands folded over their knees.

Mom clicked a few photos. “Lean back just a little bit.”

Mandy did as she was asked, but Isa must’ve taken the direction to heart, as she screeched and grabbed on to Mandy, pulling her down toward the water. Mandy’s elbow hit the side and luckily kept them both from toppling into the fountain. After a moment, Mandy glanced at Mom, who was still taking pictures, and then at Isa, and they both burst out laughing.

“Did you get the shot, Mom?” They both could’ve ended up going swimming, and Mom hadn’t even budged from her spot.

“I would’ve helped if you fell in,” she told them. “You’re going to love these.”

And that sent her and Isa into an even bigger fit of giggles.

It was then that V and Justin arrived. Mandy jumped up to greet her date, throwing her arms around V. Isa calmly rose and smoothed down her dress before welcoming Justin.

“Wow. You look beautiful,” Justin said as he slipped a white rose corsage onto Isa’s wrist. He wore a gray suit with a blue tie that almost matched Isa’s dress. Isa never mentioned it, but they had to have planned it, which was what Mandy and V had done.