A parent with a walkie-talkie stood at the top dressed as the Mad Hatter, directing the graduates one at a time.

Ashanta bounced from one foot to the other. “Where is it you’re going to college again?”

“I’m not. Or not right away. I’m doing this program in Europe and going to spend a little time there before I commit to anything.” Mandy had perfected this answer, having been asked it so many times over the last few months. “How about you?”

“UCLA. For econ.” Economics made sense for Ashanta. She was the vice president of their school’s environmental club, and she was really good at math.

They continued to chat as they slowly climbed. They may have gone to school with each other for years, but the pair had never said more than a dozen words to each other. But that night it didn’t matter. That night every senior spoke to one another as though they were friends—because that night they were.

“I’m just excited to be going away to school, you know?” Ashanta said. “Even if it isn’t very far.”

“For sure.” Mandy was excited about her forthcoming adventures as well. “But it’s weird too, right? Like all of a sudden we’regoing to be on our own, when, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been on my own before.”

“Oh my god. That’s so true. And I’ve thought of that, but not really, you know? I have two younger brothers. It’s going to be so weird without them fighting all the time.” Ashanta laughed but she had a faraway look in her eye, like she was trying to capture a memory. “Europe will be fun though. I’m kind of jealous actually. I’ve never been there before.”

“Oh, it’s amazing.” Mandy was lucky to be able to take such a trip, but it didn’t make the nerves any less. “If you ever get the chance to go, you totally should.”

Before they knew it, they had reached the top of the stairs, and Ashanta disappeared behind a large black cloth, her squeal echoing through the crisp night air, and then it was Mandy’s turn. Butterflies filled her chest. She climbed onto the slide; the same black cloth that had made her classmate vanish a moment before hung in front of her, so she couldn’t even get a glimpse of what was below.

And just like that, Mandy closed her eyes and let go. The black fabric rushed across her skin, and she was inside. Every inch of the gym—from ceiling to floor—had been transformed. Mandy couldn’t help but think she was like Alice sliding into Wonderland. Even the usual smell of rubber and body odor was gone and replaced by the sugary scent of cotton candy. And was that funnel cake?

Her friend Nikki was at the bottom of the slide waiting for her when Mandy finally landed. “Can you believe this?” she asked Mandy as soon as a parent dressed as the White Rabbit ushered her out of the way for the next person to come down the slide.

Mandy shook her head. There was so much to take in.

“There’s an artist here doing these caricatures that turn you into a Wonderland character. We so have to do that.”

“I promised Isa I’d wait for her,” Mandy said.

“Totally. We might have to come back for Sara though since it could be a while until she gets in, and I’m not sure how long I can wait. Laura already took off.”

Mandy laughed. Since they all had been separated into the buses by last name, that was how they were released into the event. On one hand it made sure no one was left behind, but it also felt like it took forever for her friends to get inside—although it was probably only about twenty minutes.

“Someone said they were giving tattoos,” Nikki said.

“Probably just the temporary kind,” Mandy replied.

“Oh, that makes more sense.” Nikki laughed.

Mandy shook her head. “I wonder what else there is though.”

“I wish they would hurry up and get here.” And just as the words left Nikki’s lips, Isa slid into Wonderland. Mandy was glad she was there to see her face as she made her way down—head pivoting as though taking it all in. Mandy was sure she had looked similar—wide eyes, open mouth.

Isa stood once she got to the bottom and was ushered to them by the White Rabbit. “This is incredible.”

“Right?” Nikki confirmed.

“Where’s Laura?” Isa asked.

Nikki rolled her eyes. “She couldn’t wait.”

“Of course,” Isa said.

As soon as Sara dropped in, Mandy looped her arm through Isa’s, and then Isa’s through Sara’s, and then hers through Nikki’s, and they all were off into the thick of things.

Their plan of all sticking together didn’t last long once they realized how much there was to do—a fortune teller, henna, jugglers on stilts, cotton candy and funnel cakes, corn dogs and street tacos, carnival-style games, an arena where people could put on sumo suits and “wrestle,” carnival rides outside, and so much more. Sara and Nikki ran off to get “tattoos”—temporary, of course—and it was just Mandy and Isa. Mandy’s head swam with all their options, and she didn’t know what she wanted to do first.

“I’m starving,” Isa said. “Let’s go get one of those sticks with meat.”