“Mandy? Why did you do that to me?” Did Isa’s voice break? Or was that Mandy’s heart cracking in two all over again?
Mandy shook her head. “I can’t,” she said, but she really wanted to. She had practiced exactly what she would say if this moment had ever presented itself—memorized every word—and now the moment was here. Mandy wasn’t sure if she could hold out much longer. The way Isa was looking at her. The hitch in Isa’s voice. The static in the air around them. It was too much, and the walls that Mandy had so carefully constructed were on the verge of crumbling.
“Can’t or won’t?” Isa yelled.
A dog barked. The breeze fluttered Isa’s hair, pushing it farther over her shoulders. Goose bumps broke out on Mandy’s arms as the moment stretched on and on.
“Won’t.” Mandy finally met Isa’s eyes. “I’m sorry.” And she was for so many things, but this was all she would allow herself to say.
Isa nodded like she understood, but she never could. “Well, maybe one day you will.”
It didn’t ever seem likely, but Mandy responded, “Maybe.”
Isa took a step back. “I guess I’ll see you around then.” And like that, she was gone.
Chapter Nine
April 2019
Mandy hung up fromyet another call with yet more bad news and stepped out of the bedroom to the main room of her hotel suite, where Ashley had been waiting patiently for her.
“I’m so sorry,” Mandy said.
“Don’t worry about it. This isn’t my first wedding. I’ve built in plenty of time to make sure we get you more beautiful than you already are. Sothisisn’t something you need to stress about.” She gestured around them.
Just hearing those words—that someone else had control—made Mandy want to cry. “Thank you.” She sucked in a huge breath. Tears, however, couldn’t happen. Not unless she wanted to redo her makeup—which she didn’t.
Ashley stood and grabbed a black cape, swishing it like she was a matador. Something about the way the silky fabric rolled like a gentle ocean wave calmed Mandy. Maybe it was that she was finally moving on to the next step—and that was one step closer to marrying the person she loved.
And then her phone chimed.
She should’ve turned it on silent. She should’ve left it under a pillow on the bed. But it was in her hand, and before she could stop herself, Mandy checked the screen.
Nikki:Call me real quick!
Because it was Nikki, and because Mandy knew “real quick” did in fact mean real quick, she clicked on Nikki’s contact info and let the phone ring. Mandy held up a finger to Ashley. “Just one more second.” Then Mandy walked back into the bedroom.
Nikki answered the phone. “Girl, are you sitting down? You need to sit down.”
Mandy could not take any more bad news. She sat on the end of her bed. “What is it. Did someone die? Is the venue on fire? Or wait, I’m dead and this is all just a big, huge nightmare.”
“Laura is bringing her in-laws.”
“What!” Mandy yelled. No, this wasn’t as bad as someone dying, it was worse. “But the tables are all set, and everyone has an assigned seat, and we already confirmed the number with the caterer—”
“I know. I told Laura it was bullshit, and she couldn’t just show up with random people you don’t even know. Who the fuck invites their in-laws to someone else’s wedding?”
“I’m telling you this in case you hear from her, but I told her under no circumstances was she to call and even ask you if this was okay. So if you see her name on your screen, ignore her. Or better yet, just block her number. I also told her if she shows upwith them, I will break into her house and shave her head in the middle of the night.” Nikki totally would. Thank god for her.
“You’re the best.”
“Don’t you worry. I got your back. See you soon. Ciao.” Nikki hung up.
Why would anyone think they could just bring extra people to a wedding at the last minute? And how did boats go missing? And who the heck didn’t serve blueberry muffins just because it’s past a certain time? What the hell was going on today?
Mandy took a deep breath. And then another. But there was a gremlin inside her stomach crawling, clawing its way up and making her entire body shake. She grabbed the closest pillow and screamed into it as loud as she could. She screamed until her throat was dry and until she had to come up for air.