There’s a voice in the background. Sweet, high. A little girl’s.

“Daddy, is Lil’ Jon your friend?”

“Ha. Well, uh, yes, bun, Lil’ Jon is my friend. Or was, until he made me hurt myself.”

I blink, glancing toward the kitchen. Alex and Mom are trying to look like they’re not listening. Just like I’m trying not to feel all the feelings hitting me all at once right now. Excitement. Nerves.

Ford’s daughter is cute. Really cute. And he’s so damn cute with her. Doesn’t mean I want one of my own. But it’s sweet to witness the bond they clearly share.

“Sorry about that,” Ford says. “We are very into asking Daddy about literally everything these days. I swear my life feels like a never-ending game of twenty questions, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I grin. “No problem. Lil’ Jon questions that come from four-year-olds can’t be easy, but you handled that one like a pro.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.” He clears his throat. Hits me that he might be a little nervous, too. Aw. “So. I had a really good time last night, Eva, and I’d like to see you again. Do you have any plans tomorrow?”

“Plans? Tomorrow?” I lock gazes with Alex. She’s mouthing—at least I think she’s mouthing—ask him to bone you. “Not really, no. No plans.”

“Grey and Julia offered to take Bryce for the day. I think they’re getting freaked out about the imminent arrival of the baby and want to, quote unquote, ‘prepare themselves for the reality of parenthood.’ I told Grey there’s no preparing yourself, it’s totally a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire. He wouldn’t listen. Either way, I have the whole afternoon free. Weather’s supposed to be decent. No rain in the forecast, anyway. Was thinking maybe I could take you out on my boat.”

I blink. For what feels like the hundredth time today. “You have a boat?”

I can hear the smile in his voice when he replies. “I do indeed have a boat. And I’d like to take you out on it. Figured I’d fill a cooler up with beer, then go from there. Please don’t make me drink it all on my own. Now I know I really will be dead after more than a few.”

Visions of Ford, shirtless and shimmering with tanning oil as he hands me an ice cold beer, fill my head.

There’s no way I can deal with that and not catch some feelings.

No way.

Let’s be honest, there’s also no way I can say no. Beer? Boat? Ford in a bathing suit?

Just lust.

I can deal with desire. Same as I can keep it under control. Yeah, Ford broke my heart ten years ago. But I was a kid back then. I’m an adult now. I can handle myself. Handle my emotions, and keep a lid on them if need be.

And Ford is proving to be so different from the jerk who walked away from me a decade ago.

A day spent out on the water, away from all the problems spinning incessantly around in my head, is too sweet of an offer to pass up.

“I’d love to,” I hear myself saying, and Alex fist bumps me from across the room. “What can I bring? Lunch? I’d be happy to make something if you’ll save space in that cooler.”

I’m already thinking about what to make. If I get started now, I can smoke a pork shoulder. Do pulled pork sandwiches. Or is that too much? Too expected?

This would be the perfect opportunity to test an idea or two for the new cookbook. I just wish I knew where to start. What direction I wanted to take.

You’ll find your inspiration.

Ford’s words from last night pop into my head again. Maybe this is where it starts.

“Perfect. Send me your address and I’ll pick you up. Eleven okay?”

“Eleven is great.”

“Just bring you and whatever you’d like to make for lunch. I’ve got everything else covered. Towels. Sunscreen. Floaties.”

I grin. “Such a dad.”

“Yup. No shame.” A pause. “I’m really looking forward to it, Eva. It’s not often I get time to myself like this. Much less twice in one weekend. So far, you being back in town is turning out to be a very good thing for me.”

I remember what he said—more than once—about the two of us. Feels star-crossed.

The buzzer is going off on the oven. Thank God. We’re wading into deep water here, and I’m not ready for that.

I’ll never be ready to do that again with Ford.

“Can’t wait,” I manage. “You’ll let me know if I can bring anything else?”

“Already told you, I have it covered. I just want you to sit back and relax.”

“Sounds heavenly. See you tomorrow then.”

“See you tomorrow, Eva. By the way—you did it.”

“Did what?”

“Answered when I called.”

I’m grinning harder. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Suit and Tie. I’m only on my second cup of coffee—my phone screen is blurry until my third. At least. Couldn’t make out your name.”