Page 30 of Vicious Luna

Cam’s brows shoot up to his hairline.Guess he didn’t see that one coming.

“I’m still a valuable hostage, though,” I tack on, suddenly nervous that I’ve revealed too much and not wanting to put anyone else I love in danger of winding up in the neighboring cell.That didn’t end so well for Tommy.“He’s not mated either,” I lie, “and I’m the most important person in his life. So you hit the right mark, but you still fucked yourselves over by taking me. Trust me when I say my brother isn’t someone you wanna mess with. You’d better run and hide when he comes to my rescue.”

“Hm,” Cam muses, a smug smile creasing his lips. “If he was coming for you, wouldn’t he be here by now?”

I lift my beer, side-eyeing him as I bring it to my mouth. “Hewillcome for me.”

“You seem sure.”

“I know my brother.”

I drain the rest of my beer, a long silence settling between us as Cam does the same. Then he fishes two more out of the six pack sleeve, twisting the tops off both and offering me another.Must be my lucky day.I amble back over to the bars,trading him my empty bottle for the fresh one before shuffling back over to retake my seat on the cot.

“Doesn’t matter, anyways,” I say, tossing my long hair over a shoulder as I get comfortable. “I’m gonna get outta here myself. You’ll see.”

“You shouldn’t run,” my warden growls, pinning me with his intense dark-eyed stare as he runs his tongue along his upper teeth in a wolfish grin. “I’d have too much fun chasing you.”

I’m not sure why a shiver of excitement runs through me at those words.

“Ever the hunter, huh?” I muse.

He shrugs a shoulder. “What can I say? Nothing gets my dick hard like a good hunt.”

I quirk a brow. “So you admit I get your dick hard.”

“Fuck no,” he grumbles, flinching back in horror like he’s just realized his mistake.

“Liar,” I tease. “I already know you’re watching me on that camera.” I flick a glance up to said camera mounted in the corner of the cell, then bat my lashes seductively as I return my gaze to his. “Just admit you want this.”

His jaw clenches as he shakes his head. “Never.”

“Okay, then prove it. Let’s see hownothard your dick is right now.”

I pointedly look down at his crotch, his grey sweatpants doing nothing to hide the swell of his arousal. Seriously, with the way the shadows are falling across his lap, I can practically see the outline of his cockhead. He definitely wore those on purpose; grey sweatpants are like freaking catnip to women.

“Fuck off,” he grumbles.

“C’mon, don’t even tell me you can’t back up all that big dick energy.” I give him a pointed look, but he doesn’t take the bait. He just lifts his beer bottle to his lips, taking a long swig while I consider how to push him a little bit more. I swear it’s becoming almost too easy for me to get a rise out of him.

“Oh my gosh, you can’t, can you?” I cackle, clutching a hand to my chest in laughter. “No wonder you have to overcompensate by locking women in cages. You’ve probably got a teeny peeny.”

“Nope,” he replies, popping the P. He’s still holding it together, trying to seem unruffled by my relentless teasing, but I know I’m getting to him by the way the vein in his neck is bulging and the way his fist tightens around his beer as he drains the rest of it.

“Prove it, then,” I challenge, waggling my brows.

“Are you really so thirsty for dick that you’d get it from me?” he snaps angrily, dropping the now-empty bottle into the sleeve with a clink and fishing out the last full one. He twists off the cap, tossing it down the darkened hallway beyond the cell. “Have you forgotten who put you in that cage in the first place?”

“Well to be fair, I was blacked out when someone dropped me in here, could’ve been anyone,” I comment, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

Cam grunts, shifting his weight on his chair as he lifts the beer to his lips and starts chugging. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone consume so much beer so quickly. Whatever’s got him drinking must be weighing heavily on his mind. He finishes the entire bottle in three huge gulps, leaning sideways to slip it into the cardboard sleeve with the other empties as I take a small sip of my own. He straightens as he watches me, reaching down to adjust himself in those damn grey sweatpants.

“I can literally see the outline of your dick through those pants,” I deadpan.

He pins me with a furious glare, though there’s no mistaking the heat behind it. Helikeswhen I push him like this. It’s so painfully obvious that the madder he gets, the more turned on he is, which is definitely something I can work with. Becausesame.

“Fine, is this what you want?” he snaps, abruptly lifting his hips to reach a hand down the front of his pants and pulling out his very hard cock.

I suck in a gasp, eyes widening. Because it’s fuckinghuge.