Page 57 of Alpha Chase

“Get your hands off me, whore!” Stasia spits as she clumsily finds her feet.

I roll my eyes, calmly releasing her, stepping back, and smoothing my hair. “Takes one to know one.” I wink.

She balls her fists like she wants to come at me, and I’m secretly praying she does- it’d make my fucking night to take that girl down to the dirt. I watch the indecision flicker in her eyes for a moment before she clearly thinks better of it, grunting in frustration as she turns on a heel and stomps away.

Damn, that was satisfying.My wolf stands up and preens in triumph.

“Whatcha doin’ here, Tink?” Chase asks, and my attention is back on him in an instant, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his gaze as he assesses me.

I heave a sigh, my breath coming out in a cloud of condensation against the cold air. WhatamI doing here?Oh, that’s right.Saving this asshole from himself, against my better judgment.

I step directly in front of Chase, leaning down to place my palms on the large arms of the Adirondack chair he’s lounging in so my eyes are level with his. “Time to come back to the packhouse.”

A low chuckle rumbles from Chase’s throat. “Says who?”

“Says me.” I straighten, folding my arms over my chest and leveling him with a stern stare. “Rob’s worried about you. Gray and Fallon have been looking everywhere for you. It’s time to go home, dry out, and be a grown up.”

His eyes stay glued to mine, an arrogant smirk creasing his lips. “Nah. I think I’m good here.”

I sigh in frustration. “Chase.”

He responds by reaching out for me, grabbing me by the backs of the thighs and dragging me over his lap. My legs spread to straddle his waist, hands settling on his broad shoulders, the heat of his body leaching into my bones. He reeks of weed and whiskey, a telltale sign of what he’s been up to all day. His movements are more sluggish than normal, his eyes hazy with intoxication as he stares at me.

“Kiss me,” Chase murmurs, tracing the pad of his thumb over my lower lip.

I cringe under the heavy weight of his friends’ stares on the two of us, giving a little shake of my head. “You’re drunk.”

“So?” His hands slide up my thighs, trailing over my hips and sliding underneath my jacket to grip my bare waist. His eyes flicker sideways. “Is it because Levi’s here?”

“No,” I say flatly.

His fingers flex on my waist, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as a flicker of irritation sparks behind his eyes. “You still wanna fuck him?”

“No,” I repeat, shooting an apologetic glance Levi’s way. Guess that’s one way to let a guy down easy.

Chase’s lips spread into a smug smile. “Good. Because you’re mine.”

I heave an annoyed sigh, using his shoulders for leverage as I adjust myself into a more comfortable position on his lap. It’s hard to miss the hard bulge in the front of his jeans, directly underneath me. “I don’t belong to anyone, least of all you.”

“Don’t act like I’m alone in this,” he slurs, his voice rough and raspy as I settle back in. “I know you feel it.”

I squint, searching Chase’s dark, hazy eyes. “Feel what?”

His hand slips out from under my jacket, coming up between us to press against the center of my chest. “This.”

I blow out a breath, climbing off of Chase’s lap and scooping up his hand, giving it a tug. “Come on, Romeo, let’s get you home.”

Chase rises from his chair with a low groan, stumbling once he’s on his feet and nearly knocking me backwards into the fire. I dart out my hands to steady him, gripping onto his firm biceps.

“You need help?” Levi asks, watching Chase try to get his bearings now that he’s vertical. He’s not exactly jumping up to assist, though. Homeboy looks a little salty, like a kid on the playground that just had his toy stolen.

“Nah. I’m an expert at taking care of drunks,” I say, waving him off. My mom may not have any recollection of all the times I’ve scraped her off the floor, but my memories are pristine. I link my arm with Chase’s, giving him a helpful tug in the right direction. “C’mon, big boy.”

It’s a long walk back to the packhouse, especially with Chase stumbling over his two left feet the whole way. He angrily babbles about Rob and the scene in the office this morning, but I just listen and subtly roll my eyes, avoiding engaging with him because I know it’ll only piss him off more and send him storming back to the firepit. I’d rather just get him home and wash my hands of this whole thing, having done my part, but his big, clumsy ass doesn’t make it easy. The stairs are the hardest- he nearly tips back as he ascends them, threatening to knock me over like a domino.

Once we make it to his bedroom, Chase kicks his shoes off, sending one flying into the wall with a thud. Guess that’ll alert Rob to the fact he’s home now. I shoot off a text to Fallon to let her know the baby bird has returned to the nest, and when I look up at him again, he’s yanking his sweatshirt off over his head, my mouth watering at the sight of his tan, toned chest.

“You like what you see?” he drawls, clocking me checking him out.