I remember seeing Juliet. The pain was blinding when Davis carried me in here, and even though I felt like I was dying, I still somehow found it in me to glare at the girl as she assessed my injuries. I guess jealousy is more potent than fear, more prominent than pain. Despite my unfriendliness toward her, she was kind as she took care of me, telling me they were going to put me under to set my bones.
Then, darkness.
I drag in a breath through my dry lips, the cool air stinging my scratchy throat on the way down. I wonder how long I was out. I wonder if anyone knows I’m here. I wonder if anyone cares.
I feel Chase before I see him. It’s like his very presence permeates whatever room he’s in, consuming all the energy. A twinge of pain zings up my neck as I turn my head on the pillow, eyes settling on his slumped form in the chair beside my bed. His long legs are spread, his elbows resting upon them with his face buried in his large hands.
The cot creaks under my weight as I shift and Chase’s head snaps up, his dull, sunken eyes immediately locking on mine.
The dude looks like shit. His hair is more disheveled than I’ve ever seen it, and not in a sexy way, but in a ‘stuck a finger in an electric socket’ kinda way. When he’s stressed, he takes it out on his hair, mussing and tugging at the strands until they’re a mess. I’m still mad at him, but seeing him here now, looking like this… there’s a little bit of redemption in that. He cared enough to come.
He cares.
I part my lips to speak, but he beats me to it.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Vienna.”
His voice is gravelly, pained, and filled with so much emotion that it hits me like a freight train.
Not only that, but he called me by my name. Not Smalls, or Tink, or Little Devil, or some other iteration of a short joke. For the first time, he’s spoken my actual name, and damn if it doesn’t sound like the sweetest music rolling off his tongue.
I blink at him, mind spinning, suddenly unable to form a single coherent thought. I’m still mad. He’s still a jerk. But he’s here. He came. He cares.
Chase lurches out of his chair, clumsily stumbling over his feet as he steps over to a little table to retrieve a bottle of water. Cracking the lid, he offers it to me. “Here, you should drink this. How are you feeling? Jules said you should be all healed by tomorrow, but you need fluids.” He thrusts the water bottle closer. “And rest, lots of rest. She said you can have pain meds, too, if you need them, and…”
“What are you doing here, Chase?” I interrupt, my voice hoarser than I’ve ever heard it. I wince as I dig my elbows into the flimsy mattress of the cot and shift to sit up, clearing my throat as I snatch the water bottle from him and bring it to my lips.
He snaps his mouth closed, watching me as I suck the water down greedily. I drain half the bottle in three gulps, wiping my mouth with a wrist before a droplet dribbles down my chin.
“I… well, Nessa told Cal what happened, and he told me, so I came straight here,” he grumbles, burying a hand in his hair and abusing it some more. “I didn’t know what else to do. I know you hate me, but I just couldn’t…”
He drops into the chair again, scrubbing his hands over his face as he leans his elbows onto the cot. “Fuck, Vee, you scared the shit outta me. I know I was a dick this morning, but I never thought…” His raspy voice trails off as his head falls into his hands, and damnit, it’s so hard to stay mad at him in this moment. I’ve never seen Chase so raw, so vulnerable.
He cares.
“You’re awake!” Nessa exclaims, appearing from behind a privacy curtain at the end of the cot. She rushes over to me, practically tackling me with a hug that makes my sore bones scream. A little yelp slips past my lips and Nessa jumps back, eyes wide. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” she rushes out, sinking her teeth into her lower lip as she reaches for my hand. “I’m just so glad you’re awake. Does it hurt? Juliet said you can have pain meds…”
“No, I’m good,” I reply, shaking my head. I can’t believe she’s here- I was so upset when I left Chase’s that I called her, not even thinking about how the last time I saw her, I was yelling and packing and storming out of her house. I guess that’s just what best friends do, though; if the tables were turned, I’d be there for her in a heartbeat, no questions asked. Shit, was I on the phone with her still when I crashed? That part’s still hazy.
Nessa narrows her eyes on me. “You sure? Now’s not the time to be tough, if you need them, you should take them.”
“I’m sure,” I say. “My mom…?”
She presses her lips into a tight line, giving a little shake of her head. Then she leans in, dropping her voice lower, her eyes rounded in sympathy. “I called and tried to get her to come down here, but she didn’t…”
“It’s fine,” I cut in, lifting the water bottle to take another sip, my eyes drifting to Chase. My own mother didn’t care enough to come, but he did. Shouldn’t that count for something?
Nessa follows my gaze, straightening. “I told him to leave,” she grits out, folding her arms tightly over her chest before turning back to me. “He threatened me with violence.”
“I did not,” Chase snaps, shooting her a glare. “I just said I wasn’t leaving.”
“No?” Nessa arches a brow, swinging her head around to glare right back at him. “Then what was the whole,” she deepens her voice, imitating Chase’s, “get out of my way or I’ll physically remove you.” Rolling her eyes, she turns back to me, throwing her thumb over her shoulder. “Total caveman, this one.”
Chase groans in frustration, slumping back in his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. The poor guy looks so damn despondent- how can I stay mad at him when he’s this pitiful?
“Can you just give us a few minutes to talk?” he growls, eyes flickering up to Nessa.
She shakes her head adamantly. “No way, you had your chance, buddy. I’ve got my girl’s back, and I’m pretty sure she wants nothing to do with you.” She points a finger at him, her lips twisted into a scowl. “Where do you get off accusing her of being a gold digger, anyways? Do you have any idea how hard she’s had to work for everything she’s got? If you knew half of what she…”