Page 28 of Wicked Devotions

“Did you get another letter?” He straightens and looks around like he’s going to find whoever is sending them peering through the window.

“No. It’s just stuff with Banks.” I scrub at the board even harder. “I’m okay.”

“That baseboard would disagree.” His fingers wrap around my arm and gently pull me to my feet. “I want to show you something.”

“I’m only halfway finished,” I protest.

“It’s never been cleaner than it is right now.” He pulls the rubber gloves off my hands and dropsthem in the caddy of cleaning supplies. “Trust me, you’ll want to see this. Go change into your riding pants and boots.”

My chest squeezes. I haven’t ridden any horse since Dad sold Annie. “I don’t know if I have it in me to ride right now.” I look up into his eyes hoping he will just leave me alone.

“You’re not okay.” He steps closer to me, forcing my back to hit the wall as he lifts his hand to my face. His thumb sweeps over the dark circles under my eyes. “This will make you feel better, I promise.”

I’m immobilized by the gentle sweep of his eyes over my face. He’s never been this close to me before. It gives me a chance to study the varying shades of green in his irises. They’re mostly a deep forest green but with flecks of gold and moss, like the sun shining through trees.

“Trust me?” he asks playfully.

“Against my better judgment. I’ll go change.”

He steps out of my way so I can go to my room. I grab a pair of beige and brown riding pants and tuck a slim-fitting white tee into them. After I pull my boots on and get them fastened, I find him waiting in the foyer for me. He casts his eyes around the porch as we close the door behind us. He’s just as vigilant as I am now.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask after we pull out of the driveway.

“No. Just sit back and relax.”

“Are there stables around here?”

He gives me a sidelong glance. “No, I just told you to dress like that so I can enjoy seeing your ass in those pants.” His tone is laced with sarcasm.

My traitorous cheeks heat. Of course he’s taking me to some stables. It’s a nice gesture, and I’m acting like a brat questioning everything instead of just showing gratitude. I consider apologizing, but the words get stuck in my throat, so I just look out the window as we drive out of town on a two-lane highway.

After a half hour of driving through the countryside, he pulls onto a private drive. The iron sign we drive below says Willow Creek Stables. I can immediately tell that it’s a world class facility with multiple pens and training rings full of jumping obstacles. Riders, trainers, and horses mill about the property.

As soon as Declan parks, a woman comes out to greet us. “Mr. Ambrose,” she nods at him first. “You must be Miss Flynn?” She holds her hand out.

“I am,” I say as I shake her hand.

“I’m Amanda.” She releases my hand andgestures to follow her. “Ready to go back and see her?”

I glance at Declan quickly, unsure of what is going on. “Sure,” I say hesitantly.

“She’s just come out of quarantine and looks completely healthy and sound.” Amanda continues talking, but I don’t hear half of what she said.

“What did you do?” I whisper. “Did you get me a new horse?”

He presses his lips together, unwilling to answer as we walk into a stable. The stalls are gorgeous, made of solid oak and beautiful ironwork. Large fans rotate above us, and I notice heaters lining the rafters. Any horse stabled here is pampered.

As we turn down another row of stalls, a familiar face leans over the gate. My heart skips a beat at the sight of my beautiful, chestnut bay looking my way. Her nostrils flare when she sees me, and I race past Declan and Amanda to get to her.

“Annie!” I cry as I rub her cheeks and press a kiss to her nose. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” She paws at the ground, and I look over at Amanda. “Can I go inside?”

“Of course, she’s your horse.” She unhooks the latch, moving so I can slide through the gap.

“What do you mean she’s mine? My dad sold herto pay his fines.” I wrap my arms around her neck and hold her close. More tears stream out of my eyes when I feel her wrap her neck around me in her own version of an embrace. “Declan?”

“I bought her at auction for you.” He says something quietly to Amanda, and she walks away. “It was bullshit that he sold her to pay for his crimes.”

“This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.” I look over at him. “Thank you.” I hope he can hear the sincerity in my voice. “I’d tell you to come in here and meet her, but she doesn’t like men.”