“Is she? She didn’t even know she needed to be careful because you were keeping this from her. How can she trust you guys? She doesn’t even know you.”
“How can you keep her safe when you’re practicing and going to meets?” Declan shoots back.
“The same can be said for you and soccer,” Banks volleys back.
“I’m here when they’re gone,” Cy says.
“Three is better than one,” Emerson adds.
“I don’t like this,” Banks says. “I’m going tocome see you this weekend. I don’t have practice Sunday, so I’ll be there Saturday night.”
I hear someone call his name in the background, and he looks over to the side. “I have to get back in the pool. I’ll call you tonight. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Declan dials his dad as soon as I close the door to the study behind us. He paces behind the desk as the phone rings. Cillian finally answers with a brisk hello.
“Harper got a letter at our house today.” Declan wastes no time with niceties.
“In the mail or dropped off?”
“She said it was stuck in the front door when she got home from class. I’ll send you a picture.” He snaps a few photosand sends them over.
“Fuck.” Cillian sighs heavily. “I thought she’d be in the clear there with you guys.”
“Is this the same as the others she’s been getting?” I ask.
“Yes, right down to the ink and handwriting.”
“Do you think it could be her boyfriend?” Cyrus asks. “There’s something weird about him.”
“No. I already looked into him. He’s squeaky clean.”
“What do you want us to do?” Declan asks. “Should we call Sawyer or Nolan?”
Sawyer is Declan’s cousin, and Nolan is one of his partners. Sawyer is an attorney, and Nolan spends his time on the other side of law. I don’t exactly know what he does, and that’s probably a good thing.
“No, not yet. But we might have to if my PI can’t get to the bottom of these letters. In the meantime, can one of you be with her all the time?”
Declan looks up at us in question. Cyrus and I both nod because we’re not going to let her be put in danger or harassed on our watch. She doesn’t deserve it.
“Yeah, we’ll adjust our schedules accordingly.” He switches off speakerphone and talks to his dad a minute longer before hanging up.
“What time did you leave the house today?” I ask Cy.
“About a quarter after two.”
“She would have gotten home around three,” Declan says as he looks at his phone. “Did you see anything in the front door?”
“No, and I went out the front, so I for sure would have seen it.”