Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to think we’re both trying to clean up our acts for Charlie Brown.

Greyson really is trying.

“Feeling better, then?” Gracie asks.

“Much. I’m turning that corner into my second trimester, and I can definitely tell the difference. I’m starting to have more good days than bad—nausea isn’t as constant, and the fatigue isn’t nearly as crushing as it’s been.”

Eva eyes me over her menu. “Well, you look great.”

“Yeah,” Olivia says. “You look happy.”

“Thanks. I’m finally starting to feel like myself again, which I’m super grateful for. I will never, ever take for granted having the energy to get through the day without wanting to die and/or cry. Feeling good is a gift.”

Gracie arches a brow. “Anyone in particular helping you feel that good?”

“Hey,” I shoot back, grinning for real now. “I am perfectly capable of feeling myself on my own, thank you very much.”

“I know. But having someone who participates in you feeling yourself is icing on the cake.”

“Before we get into feeling ourselves while feeling up other people, can we talk baby business for a minute?” Olivia pulls a notebook out of her bag and uncaps a felt-tip pen. “I know it’s early. But I want to make sure we’re fully prepared for baby Lassiter-Montgomery’s arrival when the day comes.”

My grin broadens into a smile, even as I feel a familiar lump forming in my throat. I was just saying how I can finally make it through the day without crying. But I wasn’t counting happy tears in that tally.

“Y’all are too sweet. You don’t have to do anything, really.”

“Of course we do,” Eva says, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. “We’re your village, and we take that duty seriously. I’m going to be the best auntie ever.”

“No way,” Gracie says. “I’m going to be the favorite aunt. I already know what he or she will call me. ‘Auntie GiGi.’”

Olivia laughs. “That’s ridiculous, and I love it. Can I be Big O? I feel like she’ll really appreciate the pun when she gets older.”

“Considering your profession, I think it’s perfect,” I reply.

“Eli says it’s a little too on the nose, but whatever.” Olivia looks down at her notebook.

“Wedding coming along?” I ask.

She nods. “We’re ready. I think.”

“Excited?” Eva asks.

“We are, yeah,” Olivia replies with a smile. “Honestly, I’m just excited to spend the rest of my life with Elijah. As cheesy as that sounds.”

“Doesn’t sound cheesy. Sounds delightful. Even though he is my brother, and he can be a huge pain in the ass,” Gracie says.

Olivia laughs. “So back to baby business. Eva’s volunteered to put together a meal schedule.”

“Meals? For what?”

“For when the baby arrives,” Eva says, like it’s the most obvious thing ever. “I made a Google doc where people can sign up to bring you dinner the first few weeks after you give birth. Fair warning, I already took half the slots, so…yeah. Hope you like smoked meat.”

“Meat’s my favorite,” I say with a sly grin.

She wags her brows. “Yeah it is.”

Our waitress drops off the chips and queso we ordered earlier. The four of us attack it like it’s the first food we’ve seen in weeks.

“I figure instead of meals I’ll provide however many gallons of coffee you need to get through the day, plus all the sweet snacks you can handle,” Gracie says as she pops a chip into her mouth.

I blink hard, grateful for the distraction of trying to get as much queso on my chip as possible without breaking it in half.

“Thank you guys. Really.”

“And Gracie is heading up the shower, although we would all like to help host it,” Olivia says.

“I’m thinking we could do it at Holy City Roasters,” Gracie replies, beaming. “Maybe in May before it gets too hot? We could have it out on the patio. Eli’s already volunteered to cater it, and of course I’ll provide the beverages and dessert. I just hope we’ll have enough room. Between you and Greyson, y’all know half this city.”

My vision’s gone blurry. I can hardly breathe around the swelling in my throat. My friends’ excitement about this baby is palpable. Infectious. And their generosity and dedication and kindness is downright overwhelming.

I guess I wasn’t expecting it because I haven’t been feeling especially excited about this whole baby thing myself. I’ve been too sick, too depressed to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

But now I am feeling twinges of excitement. I can just glimpse that light.

It’s kind of…lovely.

Crushingly lovely.

I’ve never dreamed about my wedding. I didn’t have a vision for how many kids I’d have or the family I’d create. I’ve been to dozens of bridal and baby showers, and while I don’t hate them, I definitely never wondered when it would be my turn.

But now it is my turn. And I’m realizing that it isn’t about the presents or the parties. It’s about celebrating a milestone with the people you love. The people who love and support you.