With no other choice, I try it on and the thing looks even better than it did on the hanger. It fits perfectly and accents all my best features. Wedding attire is magical—it makes everyone look and feel like a princess.

But in this scenario, I’m the wicked queen...

I stare at my reflection—the breathtaking gown and the otherwise sexed-up appearance. I touch the soft, delicate fabric and smooth it over my hips.

What would Warren think if he saw me in this?


The wedding can’t happen, even if I desperately want to wear this dress to tempt Warren Mitchell into another ill-timed, impulsive, second-night stand.

Inside a formal wear shop, a sales rep fits Liam and me for our tuxedos as we stand on platforms in front of mirrors. Finding a jacket that fit me was a bit of a challenge, so I look ridiculous in the tight forty-six tall coat. The guy tries to tell me it’s the style to wear a suit this tight these days.

Maybe for hip, stylish, twenty-year-olds, but I know he’s got nothing else in stock.

Liam’s cell chimes constantly with texts and emails as another rep tries to mark his pants for hemming.

He looks stressed, tired, and more than a little preoccupied. Which is why I’m not going to bring up my hookup with Hailey. He doesn’t need that right now and it’s not like it’s ever going to happen again. Best to keep it to myself...at least until after the wedding.

Though this wedding is obviously the least of his worries, so why is he feeling this pressure to rush it?

I’m reluctantly starting to agree with Hailey, which is something I’d never in a million years dreamed of happening. And it’s not because of the sex last night or my growing attraction to her.

I see now that she has a point. Sonia and Liam are good together, but are they the best option for one another? How could they know after only six months? I like Sonia a lot, but I feel like my best friend may be getting bullied into this marriage...among other things.

Liam types furiously on his cell phone as he yawns. He sways slightly off balance and the poor tailor is forced to steady him. “Sorry,” Liam says to the guy, shaking off his exhaustion.

“This new timeline is putting the pressure on, huh?” I ask.

“I haven’t slept more than a few hours in three weeks.”

“Why not wait on the wedding then?” I don’t understand the mad rush. They’re together anyway. What will rings and a marriage certificate change?

“I suggested that, but Sonia wants to do this now.”

“What do you want?” Doubt anyone’s asked him that. Does Sonia know the immense pressure she’s putting on him? Does she care? Suddenly, I’m envisioning a life of stress and one-sided compromises for my buddy.

“Does it matter? Happy wife, happy life, right?” Liam says with a wry laugh.

“I don’t know about that.” My mother had every reason to be happy—money, prestige, etcetera. But she still found a way to drive my father up the wall. Not that he was a saint either.

“I just need to get these resorts underway... Once the actual construction begins, then we can re-evaluate things.”

“Go back to New York?” I’d hate to see him go, but I can tell it’s where he wants to be. Hailey was right when she said California was not his dream.

Man, I keep saying that phrase far too much. Maybe seeing her naked and holding her while she slept really has impacted how I feel about all of this, but I don’t think so. More likely, I was team Sonia in the beginning to irritate Hailey.

Liam shrugs. “Maybe,” he says, but it’s much more hopeful sounding than the one word implies.

“Does Sonia know about this re-evaluating?” I ask and study his expression in the mirror.

“Yeah.” He pauses. “I mean, we discussed it,” Liam says, but he avoids my gaze.

Which means Liam voiced his wishes and Sonia continues to ignore them. If my friend goes ahead with this wedding, his days in New York are over. His days of following his own passion and life goals are in his rearview. The Bankses will continue to expand and make plans they’ll expect him to carry through—family commitment and all that.

Unfortunately, I have to say it again, Hailey’s right. This wedding is a mistake.