

“Since when do you hold back at taking a shot?”

“No shot,” she says then pauses. “I guess I didn’t realize someone like you would be nervous or insecure about anything.”

“Anything is a really big range,” I say. If only she knew the things I’m insecure about. Commitments. Real relationships. Being vulnerable. Being enough for my narcissistic father. Never measuring up to expectations. All things I’m not willing to share with her and yet, the urge to be honest throws me off guard.

I clear my throat and look away from her penetrating gaze. “Cameras freak me out, that’s all. Just seems intrusive and nine times out of ten I’m going to say the wrong thing.” There. That’s all she’s getting.

She seems surprised I sharedthatmuch. “Well...we’re done.”

Uh-uh. Nice try, lady. I nod toward the recording. “You haven’t sent it yet.”

She scoffs. “What? You think I’m going to go through the trouble to plan a party, then not invite anyone?”

“That’s exactly what I think you’d do.”

“Why? What would be the purpose?”

“Have Liam and Sonia thinkno onesupports their union.”

“That would be petty.”

I shoot her a look.

“Fine.” She opens an email, types in a contact list she’s already created, attaches the video and hits Send. “There. Done. Happy?”

“Immensely. So, what’s left?” I ask.

“Booking a DJ, but I have a guy. I’ll swing by the bar tomorrow and secure that.”

“I’ll come with.”

“That’s really not necessary.”

“In it together, remember?”

She sighs. “Fine. Suit yourself. We also have to decorate...but I can hire someone for that too,” she says, consulting a to-do list on her desk.

For someone not fully in support of this whole thing, she’s impressively organized, and I’d die before admitting it, but I’m glad she stepped up to help plan this. I’d never think of DJs or decorations. But the cost is definitely starting to climb. “Nah, we can handle the decorating.” And I’m not sure when the idea of spending that much time with her didn’t instantly make me break out into a rash, but here we are.

She raises an eyebrow.

I shrug. “How hard is it to blow up some balloons and hang some streamers?”

Hailey stares at me like I have two heads. “First of all, this isn’t a three-year-old’s birthday party and second, I can handle hiring people by myself.”

I lean closer. “Look, say what you want but I know you’re up to something, so I insist on being part of all the planning. Until Liam and Sonia have said their ‘I Do’s,’ expect me to be around. A lot. Close.” With each word, I’ve moved closer until our knees are touching. I stare her down and she glares at me.

Knives back up. Among other things.

I shift in the chair hoping she doesn’t notice the semi I’m sporting as our gazes meet and hold.

She backs down first. “Okay, suit yourself,” she says as she stands.

I’m not sure it’s safe for me to.