Sonia’s eyes widen at the white lie, but I gesture for her to just wait.
After a brief pause on the line, “When can she come by?”
Sonia’s jaw drops to the floor.
I grin. “Let me check with her.” I put the call on mute and turn to Sonia. “Now we let him wait.”
Her eyes bug out of her head. “Wait? What? No! Tell him I’m free anytime! I’ll go right now!”
I eye her disheveled state and send her a pointed look. “Just take a breather.”
She takes half a breath, then asks, “What if he hangs up?”
“He won’t.” I gesture for her to drag her chair around the desk. “Come check this out.”
She reluctantly does and I click on my favorite online makeup tutorial. “Have you seen this vlogger? She’s fantastic.”
Sonia’s knees bounce as she glances at the time ticking away on the call, but as AirbrushQueen45 demonstrates the latest contour and highlight tricks to elongate and accentuate the neckline, Sonia relaxes, engaged in the tutorial. “That’s incredible.” She pulls out her phone and immediately subscribes to the page.
I check the time on the call. It’s been four minutes. He’s waited long enough. I motion for her to stay quiet as I resume the call. “Jay? She can do tomorrow morning.”
“Ten? My office?” he says.
Sonia nods eagerly.
“Nine forty-five. Her name is Sonia Banks.” I disconnect the call with a smile at a mesmerized Sonia.
“You. Are. Amazing,” she says.
I’d love to accept the praise, but I can’t in good conscience.
“Jay’s great,” I say. “He’s experienced enough to get you some great auditions while new enough to still be hungry.” He really is a fantastic agent and I think the best fit for Sonia. He’ll boost her confidence if she can act, but give it to her straight if she can’t.
“Thank you,” she says gratefully.
“You’re welcome,” I say and I find I truly mean it. What’s the worst that could happen by actually helping her with her acting career? It’s the least I could do given the circumstances.
Sonia checks her watch. “Shoot. I have to run. I’m meeting my father at the resort.”
And...there’s the perfect segue into the conversationIneed to have.
“How’s the new resort design?” I ask casually.
She looks slightly frazzled. “Designs. Plural,” she confides.
I lean closer. “More than one resort?”
She nods. “Personally, I think we’ve bitten off a bit more than we can chew, but my father is adamant.”
“And Liam’s cool with it?”
Her face clouds slightly, but she nods. “No one’s very effective at saying no to my father.” She stands to leave and reaches into her purse. “Oh, almost forgot. Here’s the invite list for the engagement party.” She extends it toward me.
I take it and scan the names on the two-page printout.
Single-spaced. Double-sided.
“Long list.” May need to triple the baked goods order. I frown when I notice... “Liam’s parents aren’t on here.”