“Hailey is planning the engagement party, so it’s great that you two are getting an opportunity to meet,” Sonia says to her father. “How’s that going, by the way?”
Not at all.
I force a wide smile. “Totally under control.”
“Thank you again for everything,” she says, and I know she’s referring to our secret working arrangement.
I wink at her. “My pleasure. Anyway, I’ll let you two enjoy your lunch.”
As I walk away, I slowly release a breath.
That was close.
“Hailey.” The sound of William’s voice behind me has a shiver dancing down my spine. I resist the ridiculous, overwhelming urge to flee and turn back toward him.
He holds out a business card. “Send any engagement party receipts to my assistant.”
Absolutely not, but I can’t find my voice to argue as I nod and accept the card. I just want to be away from him.
My interaction with William Banks has me severely on edge. He looked at me with a hint of distrust, as though he knew my every last secret...which is impossible, but still unnerving.
I wave bye and pick up my pace as I walk away, aware of his gaze lingering.
As I continue toward the restroom, I pull out my cell phone and scroll to Warren’s number. Until I can find a way to stop this wedding, we’re going to have to actually start planning an engagement party.
I climb out of the Jeep and head toward a row of trendy businesses in the arts district. Hailey stands on the sidewalk outside Frost God Bakery, preoccupied with her cell phone. She’s dressed in casual jeans, ripped at the knees, and a crop top under a loose white button-down. I can’t remember when I’ve seen her dress so casually, but she looks...cute. Until she glances up, sees me, then taps her watch as though I’m an hour late.
Different wardrobe. Same annoying Hailey.
It’s actually onlytenminutes and I would have been on time if there’d been any available parking in this area of town midday. Of course, I’m not going to tell her that. I have a reputation as a sloth to uphold.
“Okay, Hailstorm, let’s get this over with,” I say, stopping in front of her.
“Pretty sure I’ve asked you to stop calling me that.”
“Pretty sure I don’t give a shit.” It’s our natural, familiar banter and her over-the-top dramatic eye roll shows me she loves it as much as I do.
“Thank you for meeting me here,” she says tightly. “I was thinking we’d start with the easiest and most important thing on the list for the engagement party—food.”
I nod. “I’m thinking hot dogs, hamburgers...you have a grill, right?”
Hailey looks at me like I’ve suggested we eat the family pet. “Yes, I have a grill, but this isn’t a sorority mixer. It’s an engagement party for a wealthy hotelier’s daughter.”
“I suppose you want a fully catered meal?” We’ve yet to work out who’s paying for this party. I was all in to cover the costs of a low-key barbeque in my yard. But if this is turning into a coronation, she’s going to have to pony up her half. It was her idea that we do this together after all.
“Actually, I was thinking desserts. Hence meeting at the bakery.” She nods toward the building as she checks her watch again. “We have a tasting appointment in five minutes.”
“You told me to be here at one.”
“Because I knew you’d be late. Which you were.”
I hate that I’ve given her a reason to be smug. “A tasting appointment?” That’s a thing? “Really thought you’d get your way on desserts, huh?” I ask, reaching for the door. I open it and the amazing scent of baked goods makes my stomach rumble.
Hailey strides in ahead of me and glances over her shoulder. “If we’re going to work together, you should know—I always get my way,” she says as I follow her inside.
Something tells me she’s right about that.
Inside the busy bakery, over-the-top desserts and cakes are on display. A couple sit at the counter and flip through a binder of wedding cake designs. The groom-to-be looks slightly pale and overwhelmed—no doubt by the price tag on the five-tier cake his fiancée seems to have her heart set on.