“An actress...okay,” I say slowly.

Sonia lets out an incredulous laugh as though vocalizing it has highlighted the inherent flaws in this plan. “I know—it’s cliché. Who in this city doesn’t want to be an actor? Right? It’s a bad idea, right?”

She wants me to talk her out of it, but I refuse to let my clients put that burden on me. I can shed reality on the dream and if they waver then it wasn’t that strong of a desire to begin with, which would jeopardize their chances of success.

“Do you have any acting experience?” I ask.

“A few plays in New York after graduating from a theatre program. Off Broadway, obviously. It was more of a hobby...or at least that’s what I told everyone.”

Hold up. “No one else knows about this goal?”


“Not even Liam?” Seems like a third date discussion to me. Not that I’m an expert on dating, but after six months together, wouldn’t the hopes and dreams conversation have happened by now? Definitely an important one to get to know someone on a deeper level and ensure life goals align.

“I don’t want to tell anyone in case I fail,” she says.

I hear that a lot and I can totally appreciate and even encourage chasing your goals in silence (when it makes sense and the person’s goals won’t impact others). Plans spoken out loud can often diminish motivation and people have a way of dashing dreams they can’t understand.

But with all they’ve accomplished, her family seem like big dreamers. “I’m sure everyone would be supportive.”

“I’d just like to keep it to myself,” she says quickly and I detect that there’s more to this secrecy.

“It’s the reason you wanted to move back here, isn’t it?” This wasn’t just about being involved in expanding her family’s resort chain. Sonia had another motive for being back here in California.

“Yes,” she says, then quickly, “And of course the amazing opportunity for Liam’s career with the resort build.”

“Of course,” I say with a smile and a pause. First things first. Let’s see if a career in the spotlight is in Sonia’s future. “One thing I like to do with new clients is some breathing exercises to manifest a mutual connection. It helps me help you better.” I’ve yet to discover a less new agey way to pitch this. Luckily most clients open to working with a life coach are open to the idea of divine intervention, manifestation, fate, and other intangible paths to success.

I stand, move around the desk, and motion for Sonia to join me.

She looks almost giddy as she does. “You’re so incredibly cool.” Professionalism gone. Fangirling back.

While I appreciate the ego boost, I send her a look. Fangirling won’t help her be taken seriously in the film industry, where she’ll be surrounded by people a lot more impressive and influential than me.

Sonia nods her understanding at my unspoken warning. “Sorry, reining it in.” She raises her hands and presses down her excitement with a deep breath. Then she stands across from me—serious and focused on doing whatever I say.

I extend my hands, palms up and Sonia places hers on mine. Hers tremble slightly and I work to keep mine rock steady. I’m the one who should be nervous about what I’m going to see. I’ve never done this before—view two life paths that are connected in a meaningful way. That’s one reason I refuse referrals. If I’ve helped one person, I need at least six degrees of separation to avoid crossover and possible mayhem. I close my eyes and pretend to breathe in and out deeply as our lifelines connect, the energy flows through us and I see into my ex’s fiancé’s future.

Sonia walks down a sandy shoreline hand in hand with a tall, dark, and handsome man—not Liam. Shoes off, feet in the waves, she looks happy and vibrant. The two pause and the man takes her into his arms. The sunlight reflecting on his face hides his identity, but his affection is obvious as he lowers his head and kisses her.

Clearly Future Sonia is not hurt by the breakup with Liam. Though, I am a little confused about why I’m seeing a relationship update on Sonia instead of the career one we were vibing with. Is she doubting the relationship with Liam? Is it weighing heavy on her heart and subconscious? Or maybe like Amelia, there is no career to see.

Either way, I feel validated in my decision to try to stop the wedding. I release Sonia’s hands abruptly. “I think you should go for it.” Can’t hurt and what else am I supposed to say? This meeting has served my purpose and, with her family’s bajillion-dollar fortune behind her, Sonia will be just fine—succeed or fail in her acting endeavor. I saw the happiness on her face in my glimpse.

Sonia’s eyes open and she frowns. “That’s it?”

Obviously, that won’t fly.

“Of course not,” I say.

She laughs in relief. “Thank goodness.”

Should I remind her she’s not paying for this incredibly valuable session? I’ve offered it as an engagement present. Had to do something to balance out my karma.

I head back to my desk, open the contact list on my computer, and refer to it as I grab my cell phone and type quickly.

Sonia’s phone chimes a second later. She pulls it out of her Gucci bag and sees the new message I’ve sent.