“Old friends are always welcome and who knows, you might be in need of my services...old friends discount of course.”

“I still couldn’t afford you,” Liam says with a laugh. “But sure. Why not? Not to the coaching, just yet, but the party sounds fun—a chance to see you in action.”

“Great! It’s Saturday night...”

“At 8:50. Because a true disruptor doesn’t operate by customary, standard time slots.”

I’m completely taken aback. “You really were paying attention.” Maybe there is still a hint of something between us.

Liam pauses and turns to me with a look of admiration. “I always thought you were the most fascinating person I knew—of course I was paying attention.”

Should I just kiss him now or...?

“I should go.”


We turn the corner and walk toward a van with the faded “Jensen Pools and Lawns” logo on the side. I shake my head. “I remember great times in that van.”

“I recall you weren’t exactly thrilled when I drove it to pick you up for prom.”

“I wouldn’t mind being picked up in it...now.”

My flirty laugh dies on my lips as a polished, beautiful woman, wearing a sundress that I know is Gucci because I’ve been eyeing it for months, trying to justify the price tag, climbs out of the passenger side and approaches us. She glances nervously at Liam to do the introductions.

Liam clears his throat and looks slightly frazzled, as though he’d been hoping to avoid this situation. “Sonia, this is Hailey Harris—an old...friend from high school.”

Old friend? How manyold friendshad lost their virginity in the back of that van?

“Hailey, this is Sonia...my fiancée.”

Okay, that’s just some bullshit. Liam always claimed he wasn’t cut out for marriage. His parents’ divorce when he was twelve totally messed him up regarding the whole lifelong commitment thing.

Reason number two for the breakup. His commitment issues made it impossible for me to feel vulnerable enough to trust him with who I am.

“Fiancée. Wow.” I look closer and recognize his lovely bride-to-be. “Wait. You’re Sonia Banks. Your family owns Banks Resorts, right?”

Sonia looks flattered that I know. She tucks a strand of pretty blond hair behind her ear and nods. “Yes. I’m a huge fan of yours. Your Monday motivational posts get my butt out of bed at four fifty a.m.”

The fangirling was not expected. “Oh, thank you. That’s kind of you to say.” Though it does make me like her more than I want to.

Liam turns to her. “Hailey invited us to her influencer party this Saturday night.”

Her hazel eyes light up. “Really? That’s incredible.”

My smile is so tight, I’m worried about my recent lip filler—again, done to secure a client, not because I have an issue with my lips. Neither had Liam at one time. Now I’m just an old friend in his version of our history. “Great, so you’re both coming.”

“Wouldn’t miss it!” Sonia sends a sheepish look at Liam. “I actually didn’t believe Liam when he said he knew you.” She wraps an arm around him and grins up at him. They kiss and I’m not quick enough to look away. “Sorry, Hun-Hun.”

Hun-Hun?The Liam I knew didn’t believe in pet names. In fact, he despised them. And, oh Lord, how I tried. Baby, Sweet Cheeks, Honey Bear... Nothing. Refused to answer to anything other than Liam.

“So, you’ll have a crew here tomorrow?” I say to interrupt the PDA in my driveway.

Liam nods. “First thing.”

“Great. Thank you.” I turn to Sonia. “Nice meeting you.”

She hesitates, then holds out her cell phone. “Would a selfie be too bold?”