Clothes are strewn on the floor. Warren’s and mine. Tangled in a heap of abandon. Much like our actions the night before.
The clock on the bedside table reads: 9:45 a.m. Shit, I missed posting my Monday motivational message to my followers.
I reluctantly turn...
Warren sleeps soundly, one arm draped across his exposed stomach, the other raised above his head on the pillow. Bedsheets are low on his torso, revealing the incredible six-pack and obliques I familiarized myself with intimately the night before. One leg drapes over the side of the bed and his face is pure peaceful slumber.
As if having a woman stay the night is not an issue for him. A common occurrence. It probably is and I can’t define my feelings in this moment, but they’re a combination of panic and slight disappointment in myself that I slipped into this forbidden territory.
Warren is Liam’s best friend. Reason number one why this shouldn’t have happened.
I’m trying to sabotage his best friend’s wedding. Reason number two.
And now that I’ve opened myself to Warren, as much as I can at least, I may never recover. Reason number three—the one that has my heart racing the most.
My phone chimes and I roll over to look for it. It’s not there.
Right. Not my bedside table. Not my bedroom.
Pulling the sheet with me, I get up slowly and quietly. I don’t want to wake him. Maybe I can slip out without him noticing and then avoid him for the rest of my life.
My phone chimes again.
“Shh...” I say as I reach for my jeans on the floor and take my cell phone out of the pocket. The battery is low as I read the string of texts from Sonia:
West Coast Luxury just announced three new resorts in California in the next eighteen months!
Which means we’re bumping up our own construction schedule!
Poor Liam...
So, change of plans...
She’s typing...
Wedding is this weekend!
What the actual fuck?
In the bed, Warren stirs. He rolls to his side and opens one eye, as though he’s afraid to look. He sees me and his expression is conflicted. I mean, I’m feeling the same way, but seeing it on his face makes my gut twist and my heart sink.
Maybe if he’d awoken with a look of bliss and no regrets, I’d feel better.
But there’s no time to focus on this now. We have a disaster.
“This isn’t good,” I say, pacing the room.
Warren gets up, completely naked—sexy abs and other...things on display. I eye him with an overwhelming lust. The sex had been incredible. Maybe we could have another go, since we’ve already fucked things up anyway...
Focus on the disaster, Hailey!
I avert my eyes as Warren opens a dresser drawer and reaches for underwear. “You weren’t complaining last night,” he grumbles.
“Not us, you idiot. I mean, that’s probably not great either...but this!” I show him the text from Sonia and his face takes on a suitable look of panic.
“This weekend? How the hell are they planning to pull that off?”