Liam looks confused. “No. To try to make things work with Sonia.”

Sonia? She’s still in the picture? The last time I saw her, she was singing “Roar” by Katy Perry, burning photos of her and Liam in an illegal bonfire on the beach outside the resort. “I thought you two had called it quits.”

“We talked this afternoon when I picked up my things at the resort and she reluctantly agreed to try a no-pressure, long-distance thing. But I’ll be honest man, I miss her already.”

The tightness in my chest eases significantly.

“So, you and Hailey aren’t...?”

Still doesn’t mean he’ll be cool withmedating his ex.

Liam sends me a knowing look. “That Hailstorm really dented your heart, huh?”

I shake my head quickly and scoff. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Denial was the only way to deal with this one.

“Bullshit someone else, man. I saw you two. And I’ve never seen you like that around a woman before.”

Shit. He’s right. Best friends since childhood can call your bullshit like no one else can. I shrug and desperately try to sound unfazed. “It was just a forced proximity thing. That was never going to work.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Go easy on her.” Liam taps my shoulder. “This wasn’t her fault.”

“That’s generous of you.”

“She had good intentions. She’s a good person, Warren.”

Hailey was the first woman I ever let get close and it backfired. Besides, I still don’t know what to do about her revelation. How do you enter into a relationship with someone who claims to be psychic without trusting and supporting them in their claim? I can’t say I fully believe it, but at the same time, I believe in her enough to know that she believes she possesses this ability. I’m at a standstill and have no idea how to move forward.

As if shit wasn’t complicated enough.

I check my watch and punch Liam softly in the shoulder. “You better go.”

“See ya, man,” Liam says. He picks up his suitcase and heads toward the door.

As he enters the airport, I run a hand through my hair and ponder next steps. I have his blessing to pursue something with Hailey, but can I take that risk? Put it all on the line again? Go all in with her and see if this connection neither of us expected is real?

Another disappointment—if she rejects me or if we give it a shot and things don’t work out—could be absolutely devastating.

But I’m not sure anything could be worse than this lovesickness that doesn’t seem to have a cure.



In the face of adversity, we can choose to run or we can choose to fight—the right choice depends on the height of our heels.

On my laptop screen is the schedule for the life coaching conference tomorrow. Miraculously, they haven’t canceled my appearance—just a strongly worded email from organizers saying they’ll bemonitoringthe situation closely and advising that I provide my own security detail if I feel unsafe.

I can’t go now. And not because I’m afraid of a few angry, judgmental former fans. No one wants to hear what I have to say and I’ll only draw a crowd because of the controversy. All my pre-confirmed meetings have canceled so there’s really no point in attending.

I sigh and start to write an email withdrawing—

The gate buzzer sounds and I frown. I’m not expecting anyone. For a brief moment, my hopes rise—Warren?

I quickly fix my hair as I hit the intercom button. “Hello?”

Only static on the other end. It’s still broken and I haven’t had time to get it fixed. I hesitate for a second—what if it’s some dangerous follower? Then I’ll at least have someone to hear my side of the story.

Instead, it’s Sonia standing on the front step when I open the door. She looks refreshed and well in a pair of flowing white pants and matching tank top and her expression is far more relaxed than our last encounter.