Not a shocking revelation.
Liam runs a hand through his hair. “I want New York and skyscrapers. Sonia wants the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.”
“Right, but I thought your relationship was about compromise. You’d do this now—for her family and for her to pursue a career in acting—then you’d re-evaluate and maybe move back to New York in a few years. Balance in the relationship—you both emphasized how important that was. I think maybe this...hiccup...has just made you two doubt the strength of your commitment to that plan. To each other.” Doubts were natural, especially after such a setback, but they couldn’t throw it all away, could they?
My heart sinks at the thought. If they could after such a strong connection, what hope do Warren and I have of finding a way back?
“We did say all that,” Liam says with a nod, “but I think we were just saying what the other person wanted to hear because we were dedicated to making things work. But deep down, we were both making compromises we really weren’t ready to make. We love one another, but maybe not enough...”
“And a small part of me wanted to prove to my dad that I was confident in this decision...” He pauses and shakes his head. “Make some point or something. Apparently, the effects of childhood divorce include wanting to show my parents how relationships weresupposedto work, but that’s not something I should take on.”
I nod and take a deep breath. It sounds like he’s done some soul-searching about all of this and reached a conclusion that makes sense. “So, what now?”
“I’m hoping to try long distance...if she ever speaks to me again, and see how it goes.”
“I hope she wants that too.” Though the reality of the situation is that they’ve decided to pursue career over love and eventually the connection they have now will either strengthen or weaken. But their future is their business and I absolutely will not touch Liam’s lifeline to warn him of what’s to come.
Life is meant to be a surprise.
Liam smiles at me gently, then checks his watch as he gets to his feet. “Hate to cut this short, but I have a plane to catch for a job interview in New York.”
I stand and we hug quickly from across the booth. A table between us, which feels like an appropriate metaphor for the distance between us now. There’s no going back to what we were before. This has changed things. Too much history now to ever be friends.
“It was great seeing you again,” he says.
I laugh.
“Okay, not really, but it was an...adventure as always.”
I nod, feeling the slight sting of it. “Have a safe flight.”
He nods and gives a small wave as he walks away.
I watch as my ex leaves the café and feel the closure I’d always sought wrap around me. Liam will be fine. Sonia will be fine.
Will I be fine?
The departures drop-off point at LAX is busy with travelers and taxi cabs as I put my Jeep in Park and turn to Liam. “Here you go.”
“Thanks for the ride,” he says gratefully.
We climb out and I take Liam’s suitcase out of the back and set it down on the curb. We fist-bump and share a manly hug.
“Don’t be a stranger, okay?” I know he needs to do this, but I’ll miss having my best friend around. Over the years we’d lost touch, but spending time reconnecting these past few weeks has made me realize how much I value his friendship.
Though, I wonder how he’d feel if he knew I’d fallen for his ex.
Doesn’t matter since it’s over now. No sense telling him that the girl I’d always thought of as the Antichrist is actually the only woman in the world who has me feeling some type of way and without her, I’m feeling really lost.
He said he was meeting with Hailey this morning at the café before heading to the airport. I assume they finally discussed the kiss and what that means for them. I haven’t had the guts to ask if they are rekindling the old spark. I don’t think I could handle hearing it. But he seemed lighter, happier when I picked him up, so I can only assume the conversation went well. Not sure how the two of them together will affect our friendship moving forward. I’d be lying if I said I could be around them.
Fuck, if they ever got married, there’d be no best man speech from me.
My chest is tight and it feels even tighter when he says, “I’ll be back more often now.”
My mouth is dry. “To see Hailey?”