I think you dress great buddy
I do too. Thank you.
I think my clothes look very refined.
I mean I kept all your clothes carefully preserved for you while you slept right?
So I might be biased
Perhaps, but I also happen to think that in this isolated instance, you did well.
Awwww thank you
But hey why do you suddenly care about your clothes
I always care about my clothes.
Ummmmm in the three centuries Ive known you youve never once asked my opinion on your clothes or appearance
Why are you asking now?
I was just...
Lolllllll u sure it doesnt have anything to do with that GIRL moving back in with u
I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.
The next evening—after the sun had set, and Frederick had welcomed me back to the apartment in person with a small smile playing on his lips—we found ourselves huddled together at the kitchen table in front of my laptop.
Frederick was scowling, arms folded tightly across his chest as he glared at my screen.
“What am I looking at, Cassie?”
Frederick pointed at the filtered picture of a breakfast Sam had, according to the caption, eaten a few months ago on his honeymoon in Hawaii. “Instagram is... pictures of food?”
“Sometimes, yeah.”
Frederick scoffed, clearly unimpressed.
“Reginald really didn’t show you anything on the internet before now?” I asked, a little incredulous. But it was a rhetorical question. It couldn’t have been clearer that before I got Frederick’s internet up and running that afternoon, he’d never been exposed to anything online.
Frederick shook his head. “He didn’t.”
“How did you know to ask about TikTok, then?”
A pause. “I thought it was a new kind of music,” he admitted, a bit sheepishly.
I couldn’t help but smile at that. He really was adorably clueless. “Really?”