“Then how will I get in touch with you for our date?” His grin brings out his dimples—not a good reason to get dragged in over my head.



Diego’s carefree attitude grates on my already frayed nerves.

“What were you thinking?” I demand, my voice low but intense as I roll my chair away from my desk and square off with him. “Hiring a nanny without even talking to me first?”

“I was just going to have her come over for an interview at first, but one thing led to another and it just seemed more efficient—”


Diego raises an eyebrow, unfazed. “Relax, man. I found a solution to your problem. You should be thanking me.”

“Thanking you?” I scoff. “You don’t even know this girl. How can I trust her with Evie?”

“You know I’m a good judge of character. It was like fate unrolled a series of events that led me to the shop the same day as she was coming in. It’s meant to be.” Diego shrugs. “Plus, she’s got a kid of her own.”

I run a hand through my hair. “That’s not the point. It’s my decision to make as Evie’s father.”

“Sorry, man. You know I love Evie like my own. But I get it. I won’t mistake how much I care for her with—”

Before Diego can finish, the doorbell rings. My stomach drops. She’s here. “Stay out of this.”

I stride out of my office, then turn back. “In fact, stay out of sight.”

I open the front door, ready to politely send this stranger away, but the words die in my throat. The young woman standing before me—all wide hazel eyes and gentle curves—stirs a long-buried feeling to life. Probably just a long overdue need for sex, nothing more than lust.

Completely inappropriate. I snuff it back out of existence. But as I stare at her, I’m hit with a sense of kindness and warmth that has me cooling my jets on sending her away.

An interview wouldn’t hurt.

“Hi,” she says softly. “I’m Avery. Are you Bane? Am I in the right place?”

I nod, but my blood hasn’t quite stopped boiling. Letting my anger at Diego vent toward her would be unfair.

“Did Diego have a chance to talk to you? He tried to hire me to help with your daughter.” She nervously brushes her fingers over her freckled cheek. “I assumed you’d want to interview me before making the finaldecision.”

That was the right thing to say. No one in their right mind would find this situation acceptable.

I nod, extending a hand. “I’m Bane. He mentioned he’d set this up.”

Avery steps inside and her eyes widen. “Oh, Diego? I didn’t realize you were going to be here.”

Dammit, I told him to stay out of this. My gaze drifts to her full tits as she’s surprised by Diego.

I’m not like that. I can control myself. But fuck, they’re making my dick hard. How old did he say her baby is? Could she still be nursing?

What the hell is wrong with me?

“Business partnersandroommates.” Diego’s tone is suspicious. That’s never good. Based on how objectively cute… attractive… sexy Avery is, I have a feeling his concerns weren’t for Evie.

After a moment of small talk, I’m comfortable introducing Avery to Evie. I’ll deal with Diego later.

Avery crouches beside Evie’s playpen, speaking sweetly to her. My daughter’s face lights up, she tosses her favorite stuffed bear over the top to Avery, and belly laughs.

The potential nanny has quick reflexes, acting surprised and catching the bear after a few fake bobbles.