“Fu—for crying out loud. Hold on a second.” Bane shifts Evie to one arm and uses his free hand to take Avery’s other hand. “Okay, now… Avery, Mama Bear, will you marry us?”

The biggest smile I’ve ever seen lights up the room as tears stream down Avery’s cheeks. “Yes, to both of you.” She scoots forward and plows into us so fast, we tumble over backward into a heap of hugs and kisses.

Evie squeals in delight.

As we lay on the living room floor, snuggled with Avery between us and Evie crawling on top, Bane says, “I’m not exactly complaining, but do you at least have a ring, Diego?”

“Nah, didn’t think that far ahead.”

“Of course, you didn’t.” Bane pulls Avery into his chest. “Now that we got that out of the way, can I share my idea about how to handle Roman once and for all?”



Avery fiddles with her purse while staring out the passenger window. Bella coos from the backseat. The weight of responsibility settles on my shoulders, a burden I’m grateful she’s letting me take on. My heart swells with a level of love and protectiveness I never thought I’d feel again.

I pat my hand on hers, wishing that she’d worn the engagement ring we took her to pick out, but she didn’t want to do anything that might provoke Roman. One step at a time. I get it. But Diego and I also came up with a backup plan in case Roman needs more incentive to walk away.

“You okay, Baby?”

Avery nods. “But if our plan doesn’t work, then what?”

“I’ll be by your side the whole time. I won’t let anything happen.” Checking the rear-view mirror, needlessly confirming that Diego’s right behind us, I add, “Diego will be out of sight, as you requested, just in case Roman tries anything.”

Avery glances over her shoulder.

“And regardless of whether he wants to stay Bella’s father legally, we’re both committed to protecting you and Bella.”

The car falls silent, save for Bella’s soft coos. My mind wanders to the memory of how mad I was at Diego for hiring a nanny without talking to me first. To the moment Avery walked in and everything I thought I understood about life become unclear. To being able to realize that in order to honor my late wife and give our daughter the life she deserves, I had to open my heart again.

As we turn into the parking lot for the park where Roman agreed to meet us, I clear my throat. “No matter what, we’ll make this work.”

Avery puts her hand on the door handle, then turns to me. “Remember, we have to get him to admit he doesn’t want parental responsibilities first. If we bring up adoption before that, Roman’s ego might get in the way.”

“I’ll do everything according to the plan. That’s why I’m facing Roman with you, not Diego.”

“He’s definitely better suited for backup.”

We share a laugh and get out of the car. As I take Bella out of the car seat, she starts to fuss.

“She’s probably hungry,” Avery murmurs, settling onto a nearby bench to nurse.

I stand guard, scanning the area for Roman’s arrival. When he finally shows up, his eyes narrow at the sight of me. Avery wasright that I couldn’t wear anything tied to my MC. My presence in a t-shirt and jeans is enough to piss him off.

“Who the hell are you?” he demands.

“I’m here to support Avery and Bella.” I keep my voice level.

Roman’s gaze flicks to Avery and the nursing baby. “That’s my job, but she’s been a bitch about it. Has she mentioned that she hasn’t even let me see the kid?”

Diego would come unhinged about now. I stick to the plan. “She’s gotten me up to speed. You want to play a role in Bella’s life. We’re here to sort out exactly what that means.”

“It means I’m her fucking father. Avery needs to come to grips with that and move in so we can be a family.” He motions to Avery. “What’s with the bullshit of hiding the kid under that blanket?”

Roman reaches for the blanket but I shove his hand away. If he refers to Bella asthe kidone more time and keeps cussing, it’ll be hard to stick to the plan. Avery warned me I’d have to bite my tongue.

“I’m not hiding her. I’m feeding her. And stop cussing.”