And while I’d gotten my hopes up to have Avery in my bed, she cautioned that we take things one step at a time. That seemed innocent enough until this morning when she reminded me that she wasn’t on the calendar for nanny duty today, then Beatrix popped over and picked Bella up again.

So much for the happy little family scenario that teased my heart.

If I wasn’t so off-kilter after yesterday, I’d swear something’s off. I’ve barely seen her all morning and when I did, her responses were clipped.

Her footsteps indicate she’s headed this way. I tighten my hold on Evie, considering if I can set her in the playpen, but Avery streams past.

“I’m headed out,” she says while flying past my doorway.

“Avery,” I say, trying not to wake Evie.

After a pause, Avery reappears.

Every bit of her is as gorgeous, which is why her nervous edge stands out. Is she regretting yesterday? The thought twists my gut. I shouldn’t have let things go so far without getting to know her better first.

I can’t let this fester. “Are we okay?”

“Yeah.” Her expression softens but her body language remains tense as she steps into my office. “I just have some errands to run.”

“Anything I could help with?”

“Nothing you’d be interested in.” With a quick peck, she’s on her way out.

My hand reaching for her is left wanting. I groan, rubbing my temple. This is a mess. I shouldn’t be questioning that a grown woman might have somewhere to go. No, that’s not it. She’s being evasive. That’sthe problem.

Is it normal that Avery’s behavior sets off alarm bells in my head? Am I too needy or possessive? Out of the dating scene for too long?

My protective instincts kick into overdrive. I have to know what’s going on. When the front door closes, I’m on my feet before I can think twice. I grab my jacket and keys and the diaper bag, telling myself this isn’t stalking.

I’m just making sure she’s… what? Safe? Not cheating on me? Nothing seems rational.

I tuck my sleeping toddler into the car seat and keep my distance as I follow Avery. My stomach drops like a lead weight when she turns toward the outskirts of town, where our rival MC hangs out. Sure there are other roads and respectable businesses the direction she’s going, but I don’t want her anywhere near those scumbags.

And I’m regretting having Evie in their vicinity.

A cold sweat breaks out on my forehead as memories of my wife flood back, and I’m tortured by the promise I made to her.

Avery turns onto a dead-end road. Unless she’s lost, she’s headed to the biker bar. What the hell? My hands tighten on the steering wheel.

Evie wiggles in her sleep. I should floor it and get Evie far away from these heathens, but I turn into a strip center parking lot where I can watch Avery.

If she and her friends hadn’t come to our cigar shop, she wouldn’t be my nanny, or my lover. Maybe her friends wantedto try out a bar. But this one? It’s not the kind of place women should go, especially alone.

I need to get her out of this danger zone. Every instinct screams at me to protect her, but I force myself to hang back. She came straight here. It’s not an accident. Revealing that I’m stalking her is bound to break her trust.

My blood runs cold as when Avery finally gets out of her car and approaches the MC’s hangout. She’s not looking around to see if her girlfriends have arrived. She’s confident, heading straight in like she’s on a mission.

Everything clicks into place with sickening clarity. How could I have been so stupid? So blind?

Avery’s not just some innocent single mom in need of a job. She’s one of them. A spy. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, sent to infiltrate what’s left of my life and finish what they started when they murdered my wife.

Rage boils my blood. Haven’t they taken enough from me? Why wait a year? And word on the street was that my wife was collateral damage between our clubs. No personal beef with me.

It was nearly a year before I stopped regretting my promise to my wife not to retaliate.

But even with the evidence in front of me, I can’t accept that Avery is sent to hurt me. She’s too… perfect. Too perfect.

Fuck! I stifle the word before it leaves my mouth.