I want this, I want them.
Diego’s hands slip under my shirt, his warm fingers tracing the line of my spine, arching me into him. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bane’s grip tighten on the island, his knuckles blanching. His gaze burns my skin.
It’s like being caught in a wildfire, admiring the beauty while fearing the destruction. But I don’t want it to stop. I want to flame out—just once. Maybe that’s all it will take for me to rise from the ashes.
Diego lays me on the island, his eyes dark with hunger as he brings my feet onto the wood.
His hands trace over my body reverently. I cup his hand as he takes my breast.
He laces his fingers with mine then extends my hand to the side—to Bane—and lets go.
Rolling my head to the side, I watch Bane’s hand. Wait for him to let go of the counter. Let go of his hesitation.
Diego’s fingers find my clit. My breath hitches. Bane’s fingers extend, but his thumbs remain hooked on the edge.
“She needs you, Bane.”
“Or you can just watch for now?” I say between erratic breaths as my orgasm builds insanely fast. I don’t want to push Bane too hard.
“Don’t just tell her how you feel, Bane. Show her.” Diego’s voice drops. “I’ll take my time with her later.”
Bane’s breaths are heavy. “Diego, you can’t just—that’s not how this works.”
Diego steps back, removing his fingers from my sex. I reach for him to no avail. His expression the picture of nonchalance. “Don’t leave her hanging.”
Bane steps to the corner. I shift my arm his direction but he doesn’t accept. “You always jump into things without thinking, Diego. This isn’t what she signed up for.” He strides out of the room.
“Wait.” I sit abruptly, scooting back so I don’t fall off.
Bane stops. I stare at his back, the full force of how much I want him raging through me. He’s right, Diego’s impulsive. Why won’t he turn around? He already said he wants me.
But for all he knows, I just need the job. My words are rushed. “I’ve thought about it, Bane, ever since our kiss. Before our kiss.” I slow down to make sure he hears me. “Diego jumps into things, sure, but his love of life and his fearlessness areamazing. That’s him. But you and I share a bond. You’re different than him. What we have is…”
My words taper off as I don’t want to say that our connection is deep and imply that what I have with Diego is superficial. Then again, maybe it is.
Bane lifts a hand but instead of turning, rests it against the wall.
I try a different approach. “Bane, what we have is so slow and cautious, we might never explore it if we hide behind our denials.”
This might be the perfect time to open up about my ex, but I’m certain that would scare Bane off. I could lose my chance to give Bella a stable home that I’m so jealous all of my friends are giving their kids. I would be ‘that friend’—the single mom that everyone pities.
I have to buy myself a little more time. Once I convince Roman he’d rather have his precious freedom than parental responsibilities, I’ll explain everything.
And I have to know if this is real.
“Please, Bane?” I’m grateful Diego’s giving us a minute.
He barely turns his head to ask, “What if we try, and it makes things weird?”
“It’s already weird. Diego caught us kissing. You just watched him… If it’s weird, we’ll know we tried. We can go back to the way it was.”
“It’s not that easy.” He rakes his hand through his hair.
“I wouldn’t have to be a live-in, I could just come when you need me.”
“You’d be here at night with Diego anyway—at least until he’s done with you.”
“Fuck you, man.” Diego’s back in play. “What was the point of dragging out relationships that weren’t mean to be? Things are different with Avery.”